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Racing Tips?


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Alright, as a good bit of you know, I've been trying to get into any event hosted on Sim Monsters since Fall Madness II, and the only thing that's keeping me from running in events is Racing.  From looking at qualifying boards of my recent qualifying runs, I'm about 3 tenths off of the bottom qualifier for the field.  Does anyone have any tips to help me pick up about 4 tenths so I can start making it into some of this stuff?

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Practice turning, that's the biggest part of racing, It take a lot of time to figure out how to slide the truck right, especially if you are using different trucks in every league.


Pretty much that, what i usually do is: front and rear steer turned into the turn, let go of rear steer and guide through the turn with the front and tap the gas through out the turn, you should only floor it on the exit of the turn.

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Use a controller or wheel.

This is unnecessary........ More people then you think are very competitive with a keyboard, these objects will NOT shave .3 off a lap time alone if the driver has no clue how to actually drive the trucks. If your a mark Colleneri it will help if not dont drop the 30+ bucks for something you dont need.


Your going to have to learn how to rotate the truck mid corner  while carrying a ton of speed through the middle off.


I used this to help Luis Lebron and Ben when they were new, maybe it can help you


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Hey met, its Titan. (Yes that titan) Think about where you can go fast and when your getting to a turn, slow and go as fast as you can without spinning or hitting any turn cars. Trust me i know you can do it. It took me FOREVER because of the controls I have but if i can do it, i know for sure you can!

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I think a chunk of my problem would be the exit of the turn.  Always kinda washed out a bit.  See that's one thing about these things: it's not like an old kart racing game where you just mash the gas and go, you got a million different things going on at once.  As for the wheel/controller thing, I may find a PS3 controller mapping to mess around with, as I've been on Play Station consoles for years, and seem to be at least decent at driving with the controllers.

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