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Hump Day Shootout: Mankato Criss Crossover Rama


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Here we are again, back for week 6 of the Hump Day Shootout; and this time we're going to one of the most unique tracks in all of sim-monsters, Mankato Criss Crossover Rama. This track will test the abilities of even the best drivers in the game, and that's one of the goals of this series. 

Here's a link to the track: 

Qualifying will be held from 4p.m. est to 6p.m. est on Wednesday, August 28th.

Top 16 make it into the field.

AIM chat will go up at 7p.m. est, give or take a few minutes.

All non-leafer v4 trucks are available to use, but if it's a custom not of your making, make sure you have permission to use it.

ME and Colineri get first pick of trucks (exception being Josh Gajewski, as he asked me to sign him up).

Sign ups should look like this:

Chadwick Deerfoot
Bad Dawg

Now, onto the rules.

No practices runs will be allowed when you come into qualify, and you'll be allowed only one redo for a major mistake; and you must complete your pass. Quitting a pass mid run or intentionally wrecking because of a mistake will result in a DNQ. The redo will be given after your pass is completed if we feel it's necessary.

If you message me or Mark to qualify, don't go offline before or after making your qualifying pass.

You have 2 minutes to get in game once called.

The finals will be best 2 out of 3.

Freestyle runs will be 2 minutes long.

Try to keep your fs runs realistic.

Wall hits will result in a RII, and the severity of the hit will determine weather or not you can continue; the one exception being the wall in front of the stands, hitting that section will result in a RII and Done (no exceptions)

Also, please listen to the officials at all times in game and in AIM; and keep your in game chat up at all times unless absolutely necessary.

Last, but not least, just have fun; that's what this is all about!

For those wondering how we're gonna run the course, here's a video showing the layout; the first half shows the blue lane, and the second half shows the red lane.

Truck List:
Chadwick Deerfoot: Bad Dawg
Mark Colineri: Metal Mulisha Raptor
Josh Gajewski: Kontrol Freek
Aaron Schultz: Pure Insanity
Julio Vellon Jr.: Lucas Oil Crusader
Damian Bowers: Mad Dog
Dan Agosh: USA-1
Devin Doss: Aussie Bigfoot
Jared Murillo: Mopar Magic Custom
Cameron Smith: Michigan Ice Monster
Jose Garcia: El Diablo
Tyler May: Wolverine
Chris Hamilton: Grinder
Andrew Bayley: The Old Drover
Hagan James: Grave Digger
Dylan Bernier: Taz (2008-2010)
Preston Perez: The Destroyer

Edited by DirtyDawg
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