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CMDeerfoot last won the day on September 2 2023

CMDeerfoot had the most liked content!

About CMDeerfoot

  • Birthday 03/28/1988

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  • Interests
    Monster trucks, pro-wrestling, football, baseball, motorsports, drawing, and playing video games.

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Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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Community Answers

  1. Name: Chadwick Deerfoot Discord: CMDeerfoot Instagram Tag: cm_deerfoot_53 Preferred Nights Competing: any Preferred Series: International or Arena East Preferred Truck: Spider-Man or Just Geter Done 2
  2. Name: Chadwick Deerfoot Discord: CMDeerfoot Day preferred competing: either is fine Truck: Wrenchead Backup Truck: Black Stallion Backup Truck 2: Little Tiger
  3. Chadwick Deerfoot CMDeerfoot
  4. Chadwick Deerfoot Fade To Black https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VWmA1ccPekoGUo7crfZtBs0R-OIN6n89/view CMDeerfoot
  5. Chadwick Deerfoot CMDeerfoot whatever is available
  6. Name: Chadwick Deerfoot Discord: CMDeerfoot Preferred Night for Competing: any Preferred 3 Trucks: Monster Energy, Captain's Curse, MM Rotty
  7. Name: Chadwick Deerfoot Discord: CMDeerfoot Preferred Nights Competing: any Preferred Arena or Stadium: arenas preferred but i'll go where needed
  8. Chadwick Deerfoot Old Crusty Leafers CMDeerfoot
  9. Version 1.0.0


    The old dawg has been let out of the kennel for another go round... This is the latest version of one of my long time personal customs, based off of the 2 time national champion super mod 2wd pulling truck. It also marks the first time this name has run on something other than a PEI chassis, as it was built for RORMTL and their rules mandate the use of a standardized CRD. Please note this IS NOT an open custom, I reserve the right to use this truck in all SM sanctioned events; if you wanna use it, you must message me for permission. Many thanks to @KillSwitch for putting it together for me. #H2K
  10. Name: Chadwick Deerfoot Truck Name: Bad Dawg Discord: CMDeerfoot Logo: Picture Of Truck:
  11. Chadwick Deerfoot CMDeerfoot
  12. Discord: CMDeerfoot Hometown: Dallas, GA 3 Preferred Trucks: Carolina Crusher, Crushstation, Iron Man Preferred Night of Competing: doesn't matter Stadium or Arena: Arena
  13. Toughest project I've done to date, but it helped push my blender skills to another level. For those wondering, this is the chassis that originally started out as Mega Merc and has run a multitude of names since. This is as close to what it looks like current day as I can get, not enough pics of it sans body to get it 100% accurate but it's good enough.
  14. Chadwick Deerfoot CMDeerfoot
  15. Chadwick Deerfoot Bounty Hunter CMDeerfoot
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