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New Racing Series For Custom Trucks


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Running a league isn't as easy as it may seem. You need some experience at running events before you go hosting an entire league season. 


What I recommend is hosting some Fun-Runs to get acquainted with running events in general. When you have a firm grasp on running events smoothly, then make the step to start up a new league.


If you try and jump right to hosting a league, all you will be doing is wasting your own time trying to figure out why things aren't going as best they can be.


Please, don't think I am trying to discourage you from starting a league. Fresh ideas are ALWAYS welcome. I am just talking from experience. I have been here for awhile, and have seen from both ends how leagues can go. I am trying to save you some headache so when you do start a league, it can start up and continue as smoothly as possible.


Hope this advice helps!

Edited by Mark Colineri
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Mark summed up the PM I was going to send you.

Can you even host a server? I would go to speedtest and check how good your connection is, it seems you need atleast 5-8Mb's down and 1-2Mb's up MINIMUM to host a stable server. Here is a link to a guide I posted on how to setup your router/gateway to host without issue if your connection can handle it.


Do you have a schedule?

Do you have people willing to help you? you need atleast two to three other people to help you.

Have you thought about rules yet?

As an example, SSRS is fair to put in the category of exceptional in terms of structure from a league standpoint, but even with all the pre planning and careful calculating they did, the league still had to be halted due to real life away from the computer screen.

Just something to think about.

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