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Fire Maxd 1.0.0

   (10 reviews)

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About This File

I didn't plan on releasing this at first but i'm actually quite happy with it, i hope you guys are to

Credits to me for the Paint and Adam or AbgamerX

Credit for the Chassis and Other stuff to the respectful creator

I hope you enjoy :)

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Regardless of the controversy, this thing is excellent, both looks and handling wise. Very nice to finally get a taste of the Fire and Ice trucks, kinda digging the idea of them trickling out one by one. 


Only "issue" I had was the wheels being all black, which happens a lot to me so it's probably not even the truck itself. Just swapped on Dough's BKT's and it works like a charm. 

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5 hours ago, rockgod88 said:

nevermind, thought this was somthing else 

thats what i thought lol

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20 hours ago, Vincent Akard said:

This truck wouldn't be released if it weren't for the fags that decided to leak it :)

and this is why things never get done or released people dont understand what PRIVATE means.

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3 hours ago, erhminer said:

and this is why things never get done or released people dont understand what PRIVATE means.

100 percent. Preach lol

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7 hours ago, erhminer said:

and this is why things never get done or released people dont understand what PRIVATE means.

What does this even mean? Not exactly in the loop so a tad lost here. Is this to say people just stop working on things if they get leaked and thus never get released or more a matter of things that were never supposed to be released get leaked regardless? Either way, glad we finally have at least one Fire and Ice truck to hold us over for now. Fingers crossed for the rest and am hopeful someone will eventually release a proper Dragon and Alien Invasion. 


2 hours ago, NickB said:

ever gonna get a breakable for this?


I tried to convert it into a breakable using the MaxD2016 breakable but I have no idea what I'm doing and it ultimately turned out a failure. I tried to match up lines of code and thought I did a solid job, the truck still spawned but had double bodies and the wheels were all kinds of crazy. 

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