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CLC Mega Truck Pack 1.0.0

   (4 reviews)

3 Screenshots

About This File

its been 8 years since the last mega truck pack was made. Imma gone head and change that rq dont mind me

BTW it says 2 and 3 because I was too lazy to change it



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Chris B

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Very cool, nice to see something different. Good work

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Overall this deserves 5-stars for its creativity and laying the ground work for others to follow with. However, as a template chassis, its very rushed. The steering wheel is completely missing, drive-shaft doesn't line-up with anything, RII lights on truck 3 are floating in the air, missing batteries, chassis is missing shock mounts and radiator and engine fans are in the rear; even though its a front engine machine. Despite all that, I think this is a great way to kick-start a new racing category in SM! I've started building my mud truck ride, I'm curious to see where this goes from here!

Response from the author:

this was mainly just to have a n/b for people to use as a base and have a general Idea of a mega truck chassis design rather than just a monster truck chassis on tractor tires. in regards to it being rushed I'd been working on this for quite a while and decided to release it before I lost all motivation for it also the  radiator and engine fans are in the back because I could not find a place to put them on these chassis and since they were in the rear on the max-d pack RORMadness made I just assumed that was a good spot


Edit:  radiator and engine fans are in the back on bog hog also

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