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Posts posted by JackMProductions

  1. I still wish they varied courses more in terms of design. Obviously they do look very unorthodox but adding 45 degree angles of dirt to everything possible is only good for so long. Saves cost I assume rather than adding buses and vans, but sorta removes creativity and entertainment. Same with the colors. It's entirely possible to do creative stuff with just two colors.

    Also obstacle course was a great concept but in my mind it spoiled us a bit cause it generally used the freestyle jumps too much and kinda ruined a bit of the anticipation of them being hit. At least that's how I feel about it. We're kinda being spoiled.

  2. Bump, but I have this same issue. It was because my zip was too big to hold any more trucks, so i had to clean it out a bit, and in doing so, i think i messed up a texture/material file by deleting it. If you could tell me what file i need, that would be greatly appreciated.

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