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Posts posted by JackMProductions

  1. 16 hours ago, jdshark000 said:

    I've honestly wondered for years now if there will ever be a World Finals freestyle without a run that really feels like a winner, this year will probably be the closest we get lol, and that's not to say it's the 'worst year ever' by any regard, but like everyone else has said it just paled in comparison to last year.

    I can think of quite a few, actually. If we're judging by a run that stands out out and has a key moment or moments, there's been plenty that didn't have those things, but won the championship by just being better than everyone else overall.


    20 hours ago, Connor Richardson said:

    Another throwback here haha (also, I'm alive!) To me, this is without a doubt the greatest freestyle of all time. Crazy to think this was 7 years ago.

    I definitely wouldn't call it the greatest freestyle of all time, but it's one of the most profound of all time. Ryan making his debut in his first very own truck, coming back from injury, and putting on a run that would have won the championship had he competed for it.

  2. Freestyle reminded me of World Finals 11. The difference being that at World Finals 11, the track was at fault, and this time it was the trucks themselves. Seeing so many trucks break and roll over early is always a downer, so from what I saw of the freestyle, this show was pretty middle-of-the-road. I can't say it's worth going out of your way to see aside from the highlights.

  3. 11 minutes ago, MoreMonsterJam said:

    Plus rushing shows? eh not really rushing them imo if they did they would cut down to 14 trucks in stadium tours and not have replaced 1 minute and 30 secs of freestyle to two minutes.

    Shows are anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes shorter than they used to be. We still see the same action, but with no side acts, and any time where there isn't a monster truck out on the track has been shortened as much as possible. It makes it seem like the promoter just wants to get the show over with as quickly as possible, when the people there are willing to stay for longer like they used to.

    The point you made about the tracks is valid, in that most fans only see one or two shows a year, so they probably won't care what's in St. Louis when they live in Anaheim. Not to mention keeping the same design for tracks makes it easier on the drivers, so they know what to expect. Still, the track design is very dull and there's really nothing memorable about two dozen stacks of dirt. I think I said more about this a few weeks ago, if you wanna dig that up.


  4. Just now, NtheDiggerfan said:

    In  a sense, kind of. While those are still a major issue, at least we aren't running on WF 15's track.

    Ah yes. The much more important issues.


    Also, was there ever an official/confirmed reason as to why FELD rushes the shows now?

  5. The card disappoints me. The only WWE I ever watch is Wrestlemania, but I just don't care about this one enough to watch it. Even with AJ vs. Nakamura and Daniel Bryan probably returning, and that says something.

    Roman vs Brock has negative levels of interest from me.

    I think Rousey shouldn't be in a celebrity match. She needs something legitimate.

    The idea of Cena vs Undertaker just dumbfounds me. Reminds me of how I felt about Bray vs Undertaker, and how against that match I was. I remember at the beginning of this year, it was hard for me to find someone who was in support of the idea, but now it's the exact opposite. Somehow people really want to see this match, and I don't know why. I don't think anybody else is asking 'why' either. I'm sure Cena will make it decent, but he'll still be wrestling a man who moves poorly, and I feel like it's only happening because it hasn't happened before.


  6. 7 hours ago, NtheDiggerfan said:

    @Brad Kerlin No. These are my own views. I'm not saying you have to agree with me, but I'm putting my thoughts out there. That's what forums are for... And the thing that angers me is that it's true. Feldzilla (it's new nickname) is ruining it. Name a reason why they need 6 Grave Diggers instead of 32 trucks. Pretty soon it's gonna be 8 Grave Diggers, 4 El Toros, 3 Mohawk Warriors, 10 Max D's,  4 Mutants, and 3 Monster Mutt's. We are already not too far away. Like i said. I don't wanna put my views on you, I just wanted to throw it out there. I'm sure someone agrees with me... And I guarantee you this year's track won't be anything but dirt plateaus and like 2 crush cars. The wow factor there is gone. Remember when you used to turn on World Finals on Pay Per View (another long gone thing Feld stopped) and be amazed that trucks were jumping oil trailers, smashing campers, ice cream trucks, and huge School Busses? The outrageously cool obstacles and track paint (devil at WF9, Cards on triple at WFX) that you could ONLY find at the World Finals? Or the giant triple the trucks would always try to clear? That's what made the event special.  No. Now it's just different levels of dirt. By the end of the field, it's just a giant sandpit of rounded humps of dirt. No cars, or anything. Sad. It used to be a really challenging track meant to be conquered by only the best drivers. Now it's just a dirt pit that anyone can run, even the rookies, as we see this year. #Bringbacktheoldfinals

    A few things to note:

    Feld didn't get rid of the World Finals on Pay Per View. Monster Jam stopped that after World Finals 3, probably because it wasn't making enough money, or other business reasons.

    Also, I know what you mean when you complain about multiples of the same truck at the World Finals. Grave Digger definitely has a monopoly on the sport when it comes to who is on top for the most part, so it's kinda boring seeing that many Diggers at one show. That being said, it's not about the trucks that are there, but the drivers who get there. I can't speak for the drivers, whether getting to the World Finals is more important than just going out and putting on a good show for the fans, but it would make trying to win seem a bit pointless if you're systematically never going to make it to the Finals as a part of a team. Overall, it's more fair to the drivers themselves, rather than the amount of different trucks who make it there.

    I do agree with you about the World Finals track being uninspired and cluttered. They did a much better job last year, but from 2014-16, it was just two giant islands of dirt that seemed to have no breathing room or sense of strategy. I don't think the tracks should be too challenging or designed to be absurd (ie. World Finals 11), but sort of the best of all the jumps from that season with enough room to maneuver. World Finals 12 is a great example. I strongly believe that most of the 2000's tracks wouldn't stand a chance to today's trucks, but they could certainly make things stand out more and use some inspiration in the paint. It was nice seeing them start using more cars in the jumps this year, but it pretty pointless, considering they were just there for structural integrity, something that dirt does a better job at. They should have cars that are there to be crushed on top of the dirt piles/ramps, but not to where the jump itself is useless once they're crushed. Overall, people still want to see things get destroyed.

    All that being said, you're still too pessimistic.

  7. 5 minutes ago, NtheDiggerfan said:

    I do not understand why all of you are mad at me. This is my brother's fault. You must adopt forgiveness in your heart. I really don't want to tarnish anyone's evening. Thank You.

    I'm not even mad or annoyed with you, honestly. All things considered, it would be best if you step away from the keyboard for a while and don't sweat this too much. Just be more honest in the future

    Also reconsider your beliefs about the behind-the-scenes of Monster Jam, seriously

  8. 31 minutes ago, NtheDiggerfan said:

     Hi everyone. I am so unbelievably sorry for what has just happened. While i was at Youth Group my little brother got into my account. He's the one in the photo. I hope he didn't offend any of you. He should never have shared any of his views. I do not endorse that, and i am sorry if his childish actions hurt any of you. Contrary to his belief, I actually support the current monster jam. He's just crazy. Thank you all for putting in your thoughts. This wont happen again!

    Honestly, you would be better off if you just told the truth and didn't try to make excuses. If you're going to say these things, you might as well stick to them, or admit that you're wrong.

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