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Everything posted by JackMProductions

  1. I can't see how the Urban Assault WF9 is more detailed than Rock's.
  2. I hate to seem like I'm taking all the credit, but if you're going to upload Atlanta 09, be sure slip in my name somewhere ;)
  3. Not sure about anyone else, but I'm really fed up with the Divas division in the WWE now-a-days. It's hard to believe that they've got such a bonehead, John Laurinaitis, running talent relations. All he hires is body builders and lingerie models, but I think we knew that already. You watch a Divas match from about 10 years ago, the women today can't even hold a candle to women like Lita or Trish Stratus. This match was the main event of Raw, and even though I've been watching it for years, it's still one of my favorite matches since it just shows that the women's division had so much guts and so much heart for what they did that they would put up amazing matches like this. It was great how the regular wrestlers had mutual respect for the divas since it's not like they were just farting around for 2 minutes like they are today.
  4. I thought Linda McMahon made it more PG to help her become governor.
  5. Maybe you shouldn't flaunt self given titles. Just saying
  6. Not giving any spoilers, but how could you have the thousandth episode of RAW without Stone Cold Steve Austin? (Well, it turns out he had knee surgery and was in crutches. Better luck next time.)
  7. Sadly great episodes of RAW or Smackdown! are far and few between. I honestly can't stand AJ. It's obvious they're trying to build her up to be just like Mickie James, but she's so tiny and miniscule it's hard to believe she'd be big enough to wrestle embrios. She's an awful actor too and he smile makes her look stupid, but I think this wedding tonight could be pretty interesting/fun. I also can't stand Damien Sandow. His finisher is a neckbreaker? The same one Regal uses? If I may quote Dennis Anderson, "He's like an armpit with eyes."
  8. I wanted to post this wrestling video I made but wasn't sure where, so I decided to make a whole thread about it. Post anything related to wrestling (specifically professional wrestling) in this thread. That includes titantrons, matches, show reviews/recaps, etc. Here's a custom Cactus Jack titantron I made. Of course I kept the opening "Wanted Dead" scene. I mean, what's better than that?
  9. JackMProductions


    Fantastic Job. There were quite a few things missing, mainly the box van and the car on the side of the garbage van stack, but overall it's superb.
  10. Something I've been working on since late 2010 and I finally got around to finishing it today. Might recognize a few clips. I tried to make it in the same style as the real Crash Madness videos, but without the crappy effects.
  11. You allowed to use those MTM2 models Mark?
  12. General failures, eh? I guess you could say it's their... *puts on sunglasses* ...two cents. YEAAAAAHHH
  13. You don't pronouce the W. Is that what you were wondering?
  14. I think this thread should just be about people posting ideas for tracks or obstacles. I know there's quite a few good minds out there.
  15. Not sure if trying to be funny or just stupid.
  16. Oh give me a break. He's going through an emo stage over a video game. I hate pulling the "it's just a game" card, but I kind of have to. He's going to be back. Don't feel like he's about to jump out a window over people he doesn't even know.
  17. Well at least there's a thread for this now. http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3pta6c/ "The Rock says..."
  18. Boo hoo. If you don't like being criticized, then you honestly need to grow a pair. Not just you; anybody. There is some great work coming out of this community, but there's also some really sucky stuff too. The illusion that everyone is a winner leaves kids unprepared for the real world where not everyone will appreciate them and love them for what they do. You can't say that ARF's tracks, and cortez's disgraces that he called skins are equal in quality or appreciation. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd rather have this thread remain about it's subject and not us arguing over something stupid. It would do others a favor.
  19. If you or whoever can't take criticism, you've got more issues than dealing with us.
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