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Everything posted by JackMProductions

  1. Also btw, not sure if this was mentioned already or not but this is very important for everybody. Go into the ROR config, go to advanced and check "Disable camera pitching" What it does is eliminates the y axis on the camera (making me sound smart), or in other words, makes it so when you do tilt the truck upwards, it doesn't tilt up with the truck. It makes it a whole lot easier to drive and a lot less chances of a headache
  2. Side slap during backflip. This is the second time. First time the truck reset to spawn.
  3. Truck: Maximum Destruction Error: Black spot on hood
  4. 0:30 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFfCKy0nKr0
  5. Jesus christ. It's 20 minutes. Who cares.
  6. Quoting so there is zero chance of missing this.
  7. Could it be the champagne? Champagne? Could it be the cocaine? Cocaine?
  8. For everyone asking about V5, they actually do have information about it hidden into the Rigs of Rods game. When V4 comes out, select El Toro Loco (Werner), but don't press any buttons. Just press Alt-F4 and there will be a picture that pops up which is a preview of V5. No really, this is serious. Plz don't delete, admins. +
  9. ...but seriously, that Atlanta 2009 comment offended me.
  10. I think we should put a 24 hour ban on anyone who tomorrow goes "WHERE'S V4 GYUS YOU SAID IT WUD BE OUT TODAY"
  11. What starts on Squishy Stadium, ends on Squishy Stadium.
  12. Does Maximum Destruction still nose upward when hitting a jump?
  13. Did you drag the Wrenchead and Sudden Impact files into the V3 pack? They aren't standalone.
  14. I got mine for about 180, and the normal price I've seen for a MJ one is about 260, but I guess that really depends on where you buy.
  15. Traxxas is no where near flimsy. I've had a regular Stampede for about 2 years and have had no breakage whatsoever, although, it may be different for the MJ trucks. I don't like them since they're thrown together without much thought. The least they could do is do sort of a mockup, larger Wheely King. Also, they cost a fortune compared to the regular Stampede. Nearly 100 bucks more for a more powerful battery and a licensed body. OHHHHMYYGODDDDD IT'S A DIFFERENT BODY!!!!!!! Until then, I'll stick with Clods.
  16. A and Z is slower to change, and it's less convenient finger-wise.
  17. The way I do it is shifting between 1 and 2 using Page Up/Down. You won't need 3.
  18. Also, when you drive, never drive in D. That's a big no-no.
  19. Dennis Taft totally looks like the Are You A Wizard? guy.
  20. Yes. Especially when we already said when it's coming out.
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