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Everything posted by JackMProductions

  1. Name: Jack Meredith Truck: Avenger Aim: JackMProductions
  2. I'll make it. Got a wedding the day before but I'll be there.
  3. Sign Up #2 Name: Jack Meredith Truck: 106.7 The Fox AIM: JackMProductions
  4. Leduc himself announced that Blue Thunder wouldn't make it's return next season not too long ago. Todd Leduc WILL be driving a new truck though. Also, the Blue Thunder street trucks are now for sale w/o the BT logo.
  5. I might not be able to make it. We'll see. Don't count on it though.
  6. I won't be able to go and record it, but I'll watch any other videos.
  7. Driver- Allen Pezo (Jack Meredith) Truck- Predator AIM- JackMProductions
  8. I think he's pointing out that most flies can't tell time... that or he can't tell time himself. Either or.
  9. This track is fine. Last year's track was stupidly big. I'm a little concerned about the fact that there are 3 obstacles per side. That could be a little claustrophobic during a freestyle run maybe. And there's no fountain either. But those are just minor things. I saw 2 motorhomes in the back so that could be promising.
  10. The truck isn't a replica. Just an idea. I remember in the early 2000's when Stone Cold owned a Ford F-150, so i got the idea from that. I thought the Super Duty looked best for the design. But it don't matter. Thanks for the feedback Dig.
  11. Austin 3:16 says I just whooped your trucks a$$! It looks "meh"-ish.
  12. Maybe the GMC grill came from one of the buses on the track.
  13. Is the field about the same size as Salinas or bigger?
  14. Yeah. It happens to the best of us. One time during KOTH, I forgot the obstacle course layout and I messed it up, so Dig showed me how to do it, then I instantly forgot and f'ed it up again. Don't worry though. That type of thing hasn't happened to me since.
  15. I've been playing MTM2 for about 2 years. I post about once a year on Draggers. I released 2 tracks for MTM2, but that's about it. I'd never call the game dead at this point. It's still got a few half working spark plugs left in it.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VXgvKfcfIY It's funny because all of the comments are people asking for the trucks and individually naming which trucks they want by posting when they appear in the video and asking me for them.
  17. One game you really need to get. If you're looking for a hardcore racing game, Flatout: Ultimate Carnage. Just look it up on YT. You'll see what I mean.
  18. Here'a a little 90's for ya http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lM8dS51Rf-I&feature=related that is all
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