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Everything posted by crazyman444

  1. I am pretty much always at Hagerstown, you'll have to catch me sometime before the show or in the pit party since I am in the pits for most of the show.
  2. Yea i came into this when RORmj was still around. I remember running the first all monster event that had a ridiculous number of people sign up for it. Running my first event Koth West leb, and just being a fill in because 2 others did not show. So I grace you with my first ever event. I am in Bigfoot.
  3. Hot damn the new tracking camera is awesome.
  4. the doubles are the insides. I have use the solidify selection tool in blender to make the inside of a body. Which would double the verts, and i believe edge split doubles or adds to them as well.
  5. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/topic/1908-season-2-awards/ Theres the awards from season 2
  6. Made some progress on the new truck. Paint may change if I think of something better.
  7. We have given out awards for people before. Never gave out a image like that though for the award.
  8. Yea that was just a place holder. I place on using something different, just not sure what yet.
  9. Usually there is 2 people in the server that you wont be able to see, they use a vehicle no one has. Those are the judges for racing, then the 2 competitors are called to the game and run exiting after finished. There a video of one race, gives you a small idea. Freestyle one truck at a time comes in with 3 judges. Too many trucks in the server would cause lag to some people.
  10. Don't remember if i shared this or not. Got bored one night a long time ago and decided just for some fun to make this.
  11. while yes you can stall them depending on what you do. It has been modified just a bit to where you can utilize 2nd. More so than before. But than doesn't give you the green light to smash something in 2nd, cause you might end up in some odd position that involves your freestyle being short.
  12. Not bad, gotta start some where. Just a tip, you will need to hand paint things which yes is time consuming but the more time you put into something the better the end result.
  13. Plus a majority of the real life trucks only have 2 gears.
  14. Yea the team idea can still work. Just some other things we need to think over before putting them into play. Team would just work on the cumulative points earned by you and you team. Qualifying is the one thing that has us on the fence cause that takes quite a while and if people are working or in school we would not get started on time. Remember in the past we had i think over 40 people show up for qualifying for a couple shows, which can take from 3-6pm est to get done since people show up at different times.
  15. Since season 3 is coming up just wanted to make this post since there is going to be some new people racing this season. And as a reminder. Ask some people to help you if need. Make sure you have AIM (aol instant messenger) When brought into the chat please do not ask when we are starting 50 times. A certain person is going to be the caller in each event, when he calls your race or freestyle order then proceed into the game. PLEASE TURN YOU DARN ENGINE OFF when leaving after your race, if you don't the sound remains and you'll here is repeating on the live stream. And it is annoying. Be patient during the racing part it can take a little. Its a game have fun. People are going to joke in the chat please learn to take a joke and even dish it back, its all in fun. Listen to the event leader he is going to cover the rules during the drivers meeting. Please let us know just before freestyle if you need to go early we understand some people have school we will let you go early but once the first truck is called to game you are too late to ask. (usually the event leader will ask if anyone needs to go early) Wanted to make this early so if you want to race you know what to do, and what you need.
  16. It can vary though out the staff members. Some people who are not on the staff help out as well. To break it down. There is a Live stream operator, 2 judges during racing, 3 during freestyle. Someone outside of the game is the caller, who calls competitors to the game when informed to do so. And some double up on duties, making brackets and what ever else needed. I am sure if i missed something someone will help me out there.
  17. Simplest way i can tell is separate or independent suspension allow for each wheel to move independently from one another. Allows bumps to be adsorbed more. Just look at a Savage X Rc trucks, or t-maxx's rc trucks.
  18. So pictures popped up on Facebook, and then i went to mayhem finding a thread on this. So to people that have not seen or go to mayhem here is the video. A working separate suspension monster truck. Needs bugs worked out. But now that one has done it i wonder who else might catch the bug to try it.
  19. Yea i still have that mini mod floating around never finished it. Like many projects. Was working on a 4x4 trucks as well.
  20. Nice job on the projects guys, o and nice seeing 3d transports tires mark.
  21. And I am pretty sure drivers like the guaranteed pay out the current shows offer. Cause if you have a system where you need points and payouts are not given unless you are top some guys will not be able to run do to money.
  22. Good lord PC, that is a design of unique proportions. And has come out looking awesome.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/user/gamer6996?feature=guide
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