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Everything posted by crazyman444

  1. Joking with someone is fine, but like everything else it can be taken to far. Tom pretty much summed it up. But if you are referring to the dots below your avatar, in terms of earning respect they don't really do anything. You as a person have to do that. I would not care if you had 3 dots or 5 if you are a butthole, probably not going to want to talk with you etc.
  2. Just to fill you guys in, clay is like ice when wet. Spinning and sliding is all you do. Yes the water runs down the track to the bottom but that prevented us from running on Saturday, track owner did not want us tearing up the track. From what we understood the event director tried like crazy to get us a practice run, which on a interesting note we would have ran the course backwards. If the practice run happened we would have raced that way one Sunday as well. So sadly we only ran one day the normal direction, but the they worked it out that the winnings from friday and saturday was added and split up between the 18 competitors.
  3. Yes i am uploading diggers at the moment, in the mean time here is Wolverines run.
  4. Hagerstown Monster jam Legends fs run sunday
  5. while the lights can be made i don't believe they fully function online, like the other person can not see them.
  6. Pretty sure he completed one rotation and over rotated like dennis did in philly recently
  7. O wanted to make sure you guys know that while i made the models for the track, the textures came from others, and the metal mulisha truck was also put together by others, I more or less work on what you guys never see but feel when you drive the trucks, physics, still couldn't have done that alone either, had a great deal of help and opinions.
  8. Well decided to give you guys a preview, and there is something new on this truck called fusedrag little something being tested, it gives the truck drag which makes the truck react as if there is air resistance and gravity pulling it back down to the ground. Before on this track you could launch into the tunnel from the big jump, now not so much. [media=]
  9. Gotta love the old tracks that have truck eating capabillies.
  10. This is amazing, and just to point out that I am pretty sure that it would be more optimized therefore lag would not be as big as a factor as it tends to be now. But then again i could be wrong.
  11. just a tip in passwords and you can do this anyway you want but adding symbols its a huge beef up to a password. Just putting that out there.
  12. Yea along with Roach on this one, hagerstown has not been stacked like this for quite sometime. Definitely not going to miss out on this.
  13. Ok, thank you tom for making a truck that is going to be safer for a backflip that fails, has like a drag race like cage build inside of the regular one.
  14. Since there is a drag strip where I am at, I took a ride over to watch the test and tune session May 3rd, I will be taking another ride up on the 5th to watch the regular race. Here is a playlist of some videos I took from the test and tune.
  15. Stopped collecting alittle after they changed tire sizes, still have some of the bigger tired ones but not that many
  16. Monster Jam Hagerstown speedway 1994-Present Non Monster Jam Harrisburg Farm Show 2012
  17. Ah the old days of swamp buggies which i have recorded somewhere, monster trucks recorded as well, and the stadium buggies, stadium lites, and stadium trucks.
  18. Well id have to say Adam Anderson in Taz - Las Vegas WF 9 Ryan Anderson In SUD - Las Vegas WF 12 encore Avenger - World finals 12 Mutt Dalmatian - world finals 9 Dennis - Minni December 2007 Max D - Orlando 2012 Tom Max d - Stafford (one with unbelievable save) There are others that i can not think of at the moment.
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