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Everything posted by crazyman444

  1. It is possablie, just need to program 2 of you buttons to Command_01 and Command_02. The best buttons to use are normally paddles, or buttons on the underside of the wheel.
  2. Its a joke, more than one person around here has fallen for that, been doing that since we got started lol. But in all honest to anyone wanting to improve your freestyle and racing you need to practice and learn throttle control. Thats the best advice, o and watch others as well.
  3. Looking good mark. and just to let this here made some more progress on the custom track.
  4. I believe this is nostagia, and i recorded this with a ipod, so yea...
  5. Open a new notepad file, you can copy and paste this to the notepad, make sure you save as, and name the odef the same as the mesh, and put yourmeshname.odef as the name it should save it as a odef and that will have to go where ever the mesh goes. nameofmeshhere.mesh 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 beginmesh mesh nameofmeshhere.mesh stdfriction gravel endmesh end
  6. You have to realize that feld pays the drivers to compete, i do not believe they pay them to get to the show, therefore some drivers may turn down the invite cause they can not afford to make it there.
  7. Well i guess i post some way old old stuff of mine, like many here i started in sketch up before moving to blender and these were some of my creations. Maybe some day ill go back and renew them. Made the roll cage, firewall, and stripped the truck of some mesh to convert it to a off roader. First thing model wise i have done. Pretty much my first chassis i ever built, plus the firewall, body, mounts for various things, trailing arms, switches, and i think the shifter. Working on converting this to ror just moving the chassis and body to blender. And my first sractch built vehicle, i just when random and this is what came out.
  8. Well kinda a surprising day for me, as i was only expecting to get one thing. Plus there a neat story behind one of the presents cause it wasn't the throught of my parents. First off. Battlefield 3 and Dirt 3 were the 2 gifts my parents picked up, the 3rd one ended up being a buy 2 get one free thing. My parents did not know what to get me since i have such a diverse collection of games, so the girl that worked at game stop picked out a game for me based on my father saying i like shooters and racing games, she picked out Crysis 2.
  9. Seems to be alot of the "no body decorating this year" going around. Kinda odd.
  10. Title is kinda misleading, far as i know there was nothing mentioned of this being part of the 30th. Just a rebuild of the red digger. As for the 73x44's i remember see somewhere that he is building another ride truck i believe, those could be for that, but who knows.
  11. Make sure you have a transparent png, either a part of the png is see through or the whole thing. Also make sure you make and assign a new material in blender to the panel or window. Then paste this under the material (name) in the material file. { technique { pass { scene_blend alpha_blend alpha_rejection greater 0 depth_write off texture_unit { texture yourtexturehere.png } } } }
  12. Well folks that ends the season that was quite silly.
  13. Welcome to the site please take sometime to read the rules to the fourms. Also get to know some people around here and maybe fun run with them at some point. But until then welcome and enjoy your stay. --Crazy
  14. Ok so to try something alittle different, here is video progess of a track i am building. Just started it so nothing is perfect or near done. This was just a rough build to get the feel of it and see what i would need to change. Made a couple passes but only recorded one of them.
  15. Well I haven't got a clue what I am going to get, we still keep presents a secret until chirstmas day. If you ask me knowing what you are getting kinda ruins the fun.
  16. Not trying to nit pick but the help and support section of the fourm might help you get your answer quicker.
  17. Complicated non sence, you point the gun and shoot, if you smart you look for stragglers and people you can shoot before they realize where the heck you came from, specially with the A3 since i dont have the money to buy a better gun permently.
  18. It looks great, and runs great, just not running super perfect, people nit pick even the littlest of things these days. It take some testing and even more testing to get things right (kinda like making something for ror its never right the first time)
  19. Welcome to Sim Monsters glad you decided to join. Please take some time to read the forum rules so nothing bad happens. You can join a public server and mess around with other members you see on here. Visit the download section to get the latest trucks and tracks to mess around, and if you are even in need of help just make a post in the Help and support thread. Have fun and enjoy your stay
  20. I haven't really ever seen pictures of the place, only thing i seen was the inside on a video, pretty much just a farm garage type building, nothing really over the top.
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