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Everything posted by Tylinater

  1. Stop re-posting stuff. GOD! I hope you crash into a dumpster.
  2. Ok now lets move on to another issue. Foreign affairs like the middle east and trade.
  3. They both had mental problems and what they did was horrific. What they did doesn't do people like me any justice just like what the illegals do don't do the legals any justice at all.
  4. You do realize there's a difference between legal and illegal immigrants? Legals obey the law, Illegals don't and they are the ones that usually kill people. So when an illegal is trying to kill me, yea I'd kill him.
  5. There's another personal attack. And you say I'm bad.
  6. To protect myself, that's why.
  7. I swear to god you have to be kidding right? Please be joking... So you're saying Illegal Immigrants are to blame for everything just because a certain group of them killed a veteran and so on? What about the amount of hispanics that were killed from white or black people. Same goes with blacks. Oh but no it's ok for white people to shoot up movie theatres, or you know shoot up a school? You're telling me that out of all the rapists, murderers, robbers, kidnappers, etc.. Are also white, or black? Trump is a racist idiot for calling the "illegals" Rapists, and Murderers. Because every damn person in the U.S that has a SS. Is an angel from the go... If I said this once, I've said it a million times. ILLEGAL IS ILLEGAL! They're in this country illegally and are causing great damage. Even the ones that are here LEGALLY are mad about it cause mainly the illegals are taking their jobs. And just so you know, that whole post made you no less of a racist than what you view trump as. If he said that building walls instead of bridges isn't christian, then why doesn't he tear down the wall then? So the backbone of this country is ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION? I don't think so honey. Really people? Childish behavior and personal attacks? Is there no morals and standards to intelligent debating nowadays?
  8. That's your response?? A personal attack? You got to do better than that. Doesn't help you in any way. I encourage you to please do a little research because you have no evidence to back up your claim.
  9. Go tell that to the families of Kate steinle, Jamiel Shaw, and Marilyn Pharis (66 year old veteran) who were all killed by illegal immigrants that were deported many times but came back in cause not only did Mexico not want them back but also cause our border patrol was told to stand down and not do their jobs. And since Mexico didn't wall to pay 100% of the wall, it looks like the wall just got a little bit taller. Oh yeah and since the pope criticized Trump of not being a christian cause he's focused on building a wall at the wall, maybe it would be a good idea for the pope to tear down the wall that surrounds the Vatican and allow the Syrian refugees to come in and lets see how he likes it.
  10. 1 and 2) The arcade controls basically says that if u hold the brake (down arrow) key for a period of time, it will switch into reverse. Ever since I got, the arcade controls box was unchecked and I've always kept it that way. The only gears i use is 1st, 2nd, and reverse. No Drive or Neutral. The problems that I'm having is that not only when I put the truck into 2nd gear (Not on the drive gear), the truck will automatically shift down to 1st gear without the press of the page down button but also when I'm in either 1st or 2nd gear, the truck somehow at random times shifts to neutral without the press of the d button. I tried to shift to neutral with the d button and apparently, the d button does not work. I keep pressing and pressing on it to no effect. In version 37, when I put the truck into 2nd gear, even when braking to a stop, it does not auto shift back to 1st gear. In version 37, never have I seen a truck randomly shift into neutral w/o the press of the d button and BTW the d button did work in 37 to effect. I know that we're just beginning the switch over to the new version but is there a fix to these issues? Edit: The gearbox mode that I've always used is Automatic Shift (page up, page down for shifting) and when I've tried to re-map the controls, none of the buttons worked to any effect and yes I'm using a keyboard.
  11. Hello, I just got and i find it very interesting. One of the things i was concerned about is the trucks. Now I downloaded the v4 pack for 38 and yes it does work for however i noticed that there are some issues with the trucks and other things that need to be addressed along with some questions. 1. When I put the truck into 2nd gear, it will act like it's in the drive gear and shift down to 1st w/o me pressing the page down button. 2. At random times when I'm in 1st or 2nd gear, the truck will somehow shift to neutral w/o me pressing the d button. In fact, I've tried to shift it into neutral and the d button won't work. 3. Now since where are at the beginning of the switch to, trucks and of course tracks need to be converted. Now involving trucks, what files were changed and what specific changes were made to said files in order to have a truck be compatible with cause so far I don't see any changes? If there aren't any changes, can I just take a stock truck that was made for 37 and just plop it into vehicles folder w/o changing anything? 4. The usual method for downloading trucks into the vehicles folder for 37 is to extract everything from the zip and plant those files into the vehicles folder. On, that same method doesn't seem to work, it won't show trucks in the game. How come? PS: If you have an answer or comment to one of these issues, please put the number of the issue you are referring to. Thank you.
  12. How much you wanna bet on Mike Vaters II coming after Ryan?
  13. I'm glad that a league is giving a shot and sometime I will need to have someone help me with getting set up with since well I've never transferred over to a new version in this sort of way. There's just one thing I'm curious about. Every version up till 37.126 was put on the configurator for quick updating. Now they've stopped putting newer updates on the configurator and yet the development team is putting out newer versions of ROR that we have to download seperately which makes me wonder why they ever stop putting newer updates on the configurator?
  14. Anyways, best moments in my opinion were SM season 2 (especially WF2 Racing), IMTRS S1 (grabbed my first points championship), MROR S5 (Triple Crown Champ), KOTH Mini-Series, and more leagues being created still to this day after the Sim-Monsters Racing Series ended. Oh and one other thing. FALL MADNESS 3............ NUFF SAID!
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