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Everything posted by Tylinater

  1. Name: Tyler May AIM: tylinater Truck Name: Snap-On Torque Truck Link: http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1424-snap-on-torque/
  2. THAT'S BECAUSE THERE WAS NO UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE 1776. That was back during the pilgrims and then the revolutionary war to gain independence from England. After that point, now we have a country, now we have our own rules called the bill of rights containing the first 13 amendments. As time went on, more amendments got added. It wasn't until 1868 (3 years after the civil war was over) that the 14th amendment came into play and what it did was that it granted citizenship to "all person born and naturalized in the United States", which included former slaves being freed. It forbids states from denying any person "life, liberty or property, without due process of law" or to "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” By directly mentioning the role of the states, the 14th Amendment greatly expanded the protection of civil rights to all Americans and is cited in more litigation than any other amendment. Now this brings up illegal immigration issues. It's clearly simple. ILLEGAL IS ILLEGAL. If you came into the country ILLEGALLY, you get out and try to come back in LEGALLY. Now think about this. If an American citizen tries to come into another country ILLEGALLY like say Mexico, they'll laugh at you, think you're a joke, and then kick you out. In most countries they will arrest you before they kick you out. In some like Iran and North Korea, they will kill you. We're the only country in the world that allows amnesty to let illegals to come in and be treated better than our proud veterans who are the bravest people in the world, one of my cousins happens to be a wounded warrior and i respect the hell out of him and every veteran out there. Even the legals are pissed off about the illegals cause the illegals will come in, take the legals jobs and put them in unemployment. They don't want that. Not to mention the fact that thousands of murders every year happen to be committed by illegal immigrants. Kate in San Francisco shot in the back by an illegal that was deported a dozen times but Mexico didn't want to keep him so they sent the illegal back here. Jamiel in LA a high school football star getting ready to go to college while getting a football scholarship calls his dad coming home from the deli, shot in the face by an illegal right in front of his house. The family was devastated especially his dad. Marilyn Pharis, a veteran in her mid 60's in Santa Maria, CA, was raped, sodomized and then killed by an illegal. These few incidents are examples of thousands of others that aren't even talked about. Just sad and disgraceful. Last point I want to bring up, ANCHOR BABIES. Here's what happens. A woman who comes into the country ILLEGALLY, gives birth to a baby. Now we say that baby is an American citizen and we take care of it for who knows how long cause the baby was born here despite the fact that the parent or parents were here ILLEGALLY. They basically found the loophole in the 14th amendment. That's not right. If the parent's here illegally and has a baby on American soil, since the parent isn't legally an American citizen, neither is the baby. Just disgusting. You know, a lot of people say that guns kill people or that guns don't kill, people do. Well those aren't the biggest killers of all. I say the ROOT killers of American citizens aren't guns or people, it's POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. That needs to end. Oh and BTW the Trump financial bankruptcies, Out of 100's of deals, you only talk about 4? Talk about dishonest. It's hardly fair to judge a person by 4 of HUNDREDS of deals when they built a net worth of 10 billion dollars. Name ONE presidential candidate that has the business smarts to build a business with a net worth of more than 10 BILLION DOLLARS. Which Presidential candidate is #1 in the polls for the economy, national security, foreign policy, and jobs? Trump may be lowest in the polls for likability because he tells the TRUTH. And he may not be the most politically correct because he's not trying to protect a political career like all the others.
  3. So all the problems that this country has means nothing to you doesn't it? Oh and BTW the reason for illegal immigration talk is out of SAFETY and SECURITY. If we don't have safety and security, then we don't have a country anymore and we would be open for attacks like San Bernadino and thousands of incidents where ILLEGALS are killing innocent American citizens, and after that, we can't do the things we want to do.
  4. You know, it's funny how after Trump parted from NBC, that happened. Now with Macy's who USED to sell his line of clothing and just about everything else, after he parted ways with Macy's, their stock plummeted. This is what happens when you dump Trump. YOU GO DOWN!!
  5. No comeback? Does all the problems that goes into the country mean nothing to you? Got stumped? 1. It’s nothing personal… First things first: Donald Trump has filed for corporate bankruptcy four times, in 1991, 1992, 2004 and 2009. All of these bankruptcies were connected to over-leveraged casino and hotel properties in Atlantic City, all of which are now operated under the banner of Trump Entertainment Resorts. He has never filed for personal bankruptcy — an important distinction when considering his ability to emerge relatively unscathed, at least financially. “Corporations, limited partnerships, and LLCs in which he had an ownership interest or companies that had his name attached have filed for bankruptcy,” said Michael Viscount of Atlantic City law firm Fox Rothschild LLP, who represented unsecured creditors when Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts, as it was then called, filed for Chapter 11 protection in 2004. “Therein lies the big distinction.” He did take a personal hit the first time around: he’d financed the construction of the Trump Taj Mahal with junk bonds and was unable to pay the high interest. His business was in the red, and so was he, to the tune of about $900 million in personal debt. By the mid-90s, he’d reduced most of that debt, selling his Trump Princess yacht, his Trump Shuttle airline, and his stake in a handful of other businesses. More importantly, he stopped guaranteeing debt with his own wealth. “The first bankruptcy was the only time his personal fortune was at stake,” said Ted Connolly, a Boston bankruptcy lawyer who used Trump as model for getting out of debt in his book The Road Out Of Debt: Bankruptcy and Other Solutions to Your Financial Problems. “He learned from it. He’s insulated.” 2. …it’s just business. Trump has never apologized for using Chapter 11 as a business tool — indeed, when he spoke to my FORBES colleague Keren Blankfeld recently, he noted that many “great entrepreneurs” have used bankruptcy to restructure debt, free up capital and improve their businesses. “I’ve cut debt — by the way, this isn’t me personally, it’s a company,” Trump said. “Basically I’ve used the laws of the country to my advantage and to other people’s advantage just as Leon Black has, Carl Icahn, Henry Kravis has, just as many, many others on top of the business world have.” But to those uninitiated in bankruptcy laws, four instances of corporate bankruptcy in a row can seem staggering. “To the ordinary person in the street, it may seem surprising, but certainly not to me,” said Reed Smith partner Michael Venditto, who has represented clients in high profile Chapter 11 cases, including bankrupt airline TWA. “Chapter 11 is how you reshape and restructure a company that has problems. It doesn’t indicate anything nefarious or even bad management.” 3. It’s better than the alternative. More important, said Venditto, are the repercussions Chapter 11 might have for creditors versus, say, liquidation. “You can have a visceral reaction to the fact that this company has gone through Chapter 11 multiple times, but the bondholders look at it and the alternatives are much, much worse. What is an empty casino sitting on the Atlantic City boardwalk worth? If it’s operating and it’s got cash flow and income, it may not be able to pay back every cent on the dollar, but the creditors are better off in the long run.” 4. He’s leveraged his persona. Trump’s name and image have undoubtedly helped him survive each bankruptcy and come out on top. He’s able to demand a high percentage of reorganization equity based on the value his brand brings to a casino or hotel operation. So says Edward Weisfelner, a partner at New York firm Brown Rudnick who was involved in two of the three casino bankruptcies, first representing bondholders, then as counsel to Carl Icahn’s firm Icahn Partners, who tried to buy most of the debt in Trump Entertainment Resorts. “The leverage he had was that his name was on the side of his casinos,” said Weisfelner. “The cost of throwing him out, rebranding and changing his name everywhere would be very high. ” Added Joseph Weinert, senior vice president at Atlantic City casino consultancy Spectrum Gaming Group, who has produced research for Trump: “ The stakeholders decided they were better off with Trump’s name than they were without it.” 5. He has less and less interest in the bankrupt companies. With each bankruptcy proceeding, Donald Trump’s stake in the casinos and hotels in Atlantic city that bear his name has decreased. In the first Trump Taj Mahal bankruptcy, he handed over 50% equity to bondholders in return for favorable interest rates. In 2004′s Chapter 11 filing, his stake was reduced to 25%. During wranglings with bondholders immediately before the 2009 bankruptcy, Trump resigned from the board of Trump Entertainment Resorts; his equity stake is now 5%, with another 5% in warrants. 6. He’s not the one to blame. Atlantic City lawyer Viscount doesn’t believe Donald Trump himself should be held accountable for any of his company’s bankruptcies — his creditors, he said, knew what they were getting themselves into when they lent Trump money over and over again. “They’re all big boys and girls,” he said. “They’ve all played this game before, in the insolvency space. The company that possessed his name filed bankruptcy because it was overleveraged. What does that tell you? People want to lend him money. He does grandiose things with it.” Icahn lawyer Weisfelner doesn’t place blame for these corporate bankruptcies with creditors, and questions whether Trump’s companies have used Chapter 11 the way its creators intended. “There’s such a thing as good faith,” he said. “The purpose of bankruptcy laws is to protect companies, their customers and employees, to give them a second chance and to treat claim holders fairly. If bankruptcy is used instead to artificially elevate your equity interests above legitimate creditor claims and avoid obligations then you could argue that’s not what the laws were designed to do.” Viscount doesn’t think Trump has misused the system at all. “Chapter 11, in my view, is the ultimate business transaction forum,” he said. “It’s the place you go to keep a business alive and well. He’s done nothing inappropriate.”
  6. Oh and BTW there is no pot calling the kettle black in politics. I don't think you understand economics or have read The Art Of The Deal. I strongly suggest you read it to further understand economics which will help you understand how the game is played.
  7. First of all, you know who talks about race? Racists! Secondly, the reason why people bash Trump all the time is because they want whats popular for them and the TRUTH isn't popular for them. They would rather vote for some BS dirty corrupted incompetent establishment politician no matter if they're republican or democrat that are all talk and no action rather than a successful businessman. We don't need another Bush league and we sure as hell don't need another Clinton. Look at what happened in our country no thanks to these stupid establishment politicians. San Bernadino, Kait in San Francisco(illegal immigrant),Jamiel in LA (illegal immigrant), a 64 year old veteran in Santa Maria that was raped and then killed (illegal immigrant), Bowe Berghdahl (we knew he was a traitor before we got him back after trading 6 terrorists from gitmo for him and he's getting off Scott free), the Syrian Migrants (Most of who we see are young men, very few women and children, we dont even know who they even are in the 1st place), veterans are being treated worser than illegal immigrants (look at the VA), anchor babies (according to the 14th amendment, they aren't American citizens since their parents were illegals when they were born BTW ILLEGAL IS ILLEGAL!!!!), Hedge fund billionaires and their carried interest loophole (they take more money from their income and put it into high risk investments so that they can get out of paying higher taxes), corporate inversions (when companies like Ford, Boeing, etc... leave the U.S for other countries like China and Mexico to get the money that they have in other countries and also lower taxes which is one of the reasons why the unemployment rate in this country is around 25 to 30 percent not that 8 to 9 percent you hear cause that's just a number to make politicians look good and they've all agreed to bring those companies back to the U.S.A and they can't get the job done), General Petraeus getting fired for cussing (5% of what Hillary did which if she gets away with the email scandal, it will be her biggest accomplishment cause she's protected by the Democrats), 21 trillion in debt by the end of this year (I'm more disappointed in the Republicans for this, at least with the Democrats you know where they're coming from), and last but not least the Iran nuclear deal (I have not seen such a horrible deal being made in my entire life and I don't think they've read The Art Of The Deal, we give our enemy Iran 150 billion who BTW lie about the self inspection and we don't even get our prisoners back). All of this happened no thanks to the politically correct stupid incompetent leadership that's running our country. This is why the U.S.A needs Trump badly. You want to let this country continue whats it's currently doing right now which is just disgraceful? Go ahead and vote for another Clinton, no one's stopping you. The one good thing i will say about establishment politicians is that they are master debaters. Trump however is a master moneymaker and that's what we need in this country, someone that knows how to play the game, someone that knows how to make money and bring money back to this country so that the U.S.A can thrive, be the world powerhouse that we should've always have been, and not be in this financial hellhole that we have always been in and will continue to be in until we have a change in course. NOW LET'S SEE IF YOU CAN TRY TO STUMP THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Unless it's Donald Trump which in this case he's not a puppet cause remember he's not affiliated with any PAC's or special interest groups that are the ones that actually control the candidates. So anyways back to new year predictions. 1. Donald Trump will be the GOP nominee and will face Hillary Clinton for President. 2. Trump will win against Hillary and become our next president (Obama, You're Fired!). 3. Soon after, Hillary Clinton will get arrested and be put in prison for the rest of her life cause of the email scandal and also giving comfort and aid to our enemy which BTW according to the constitution is considered to be treason. 4. Golden State Warriors will win the 2015-16 NBA Championship against Cleveland AGAIN. 5. Chicago Cubs will win the World Series. 6. Tony Stewart will retire after next season. 7. Kevin Harvick will come out the Sprint Cup Champ. 8. Ryan Blaney will pick up a Sprint Cup victory and so will Kyle Larson. 9. Samurai Jack and The Powerpuff Girls will get a reboot. 10. Coty Saucier wins WF Racing and Neil Elliot wins WF Freestyle. 11. Carolina Panthers will face New England in a rematch of Super Bowl 38. It will be a close scoring game again but coming out on top will be Carolina by about a score (7 points) max.
  9. Truck: Snap-On Torque Name: Tyler May Song: The Touch- Stan Bush Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZKpByV5764
  10. Well, some of us can hardly wait till Christmas to see lots of presents underneath our Christmas trees and spread some good holiday cheer. And while we anticipate the arrival of Santa, we often ask the same age old question "How does Santa go around the world in 24 hours delivering presents to good boys and girls?". Now I know what some of you are thinking "I don't know unless you could like track Santa to see whats currently happening during his whole trip." Well actually you can. Ever since I was a little kid, my family always went to this website which we still go to to this day that I'm pretty sure some of you know of called NORAD Santa. If you haven't heard of NORAD Santa, what it basically does is allow the user to watch Santa on his trip around the world and in some places that he visits, there will be a short little video about his visit to that city/area, plus other fun/games and music too. If you want to know where he's currently at, go click on the link below, enjoy watching his trip and until next time, HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! http://www.noradsanta.org/
  11. Truck Name: Snap-On Torque Real Name: Tyler May AIM: tylinater Truck Download: http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1424-snap-on-torque/
  12. In all seriousness, looks really sweet.
  13. New music from AC/DC. They've still got it.
  14. Driver Name: Tyler May AIM Screen Name: tylinater Divisions Competing (Modern, Classic, Both): Both Modern Racing Truck: Snap-On Torque Modern Racing Truck Direct Download Link: http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1424-snap-on-torque/ Modern Freestyle Song: The Touch - Stan Bush Classic Racing Truck: Heartbeat (1987) Classic Racing Truck Direct Download Link: http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1961-heartbeat/ Frame Rate Hardships (Yes or No): No Connection Hardships (Yes or No): No Other Information: I'm also known as that 10 year old kid that kept kicking butt back in MTM2, competed in PPRL Season 2, had a tie in an off road race during the season which was the only tie of the season, one of the few to be a triple crown points champ, screen may fade to black (no pun intended) at random times, other than that I'm glad that PPRL is back and I'm ready to have a lot of fun, maybe even talk about the past a bit just to relive the good old days. Last Modified: 12/6/15
  15. Tyler May Metal Mulisha http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1917-metal-mulisha-2015/ tylinater
  16. Forgot to mention that I got a new guitar last year. A 2014 Fender Stevie Ray Vaughan Signature Stratocaster.
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