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Everything posted by DDT

  1. Well just opened this thing up because we thought we had a spare 2 GB card laying around and found out this thing is 2 1GB sticks instead of 1 2GB stick like we thought and like i already knew everything on this one is integrated...so since i cant upgrade really anything on this one other then ram i may spend the 40 bucks or so to buy 2 2GB sticks to toss in it to at least speed it up a little bit and hope it helps FPS untill i can get a gaming rig hopefully in a few months
  2. Well i was looking and can get a 2gb ram stick for 20 bucks to toss into the second slot to bump it up to 4 gigs total im just asking if it would really make a difference in RoR performance or not (also note im running crappy Vista with only 2GBs of ram so... but in the future im gonna get a gaming rig just not sure when
  3. Ok so my PC is sorta crap. (basic little dell insperion 537 monitor/tower combo at walmart for $450 about 4 1/2 years ago). Normally on RoR on low/Medium settings i get about 25-32 average FPS with 1 truck and today i bumped all my graphics up to see how it would preform and with settings up high i like how the game looks better then before but i get about 18-22 FPS with one truck. I cant do many upgrades to this PC since everything is pretty much integrated onto the board but i can upgrade the ram from 2 gigs up to 4. Now should i upgrade the ram to the 4gigs until i can afford to get a gaming rig or should i not worry about it? (im aiming for more FPS in RoR and im not sure if ram will make a difference in that or not with the integrated graphics card,) Thanks
  4. yep Dennis sold it but not the name..he said to look for a even better king sling in the future...he also mentioned bigger so i really hope its not becoming a monster but instead Dennis is building a new mud truck or something
  5. i just cleared and regened the chache and it fixed it for me
  6. Want i wanted Xbox One Forza 5 What i got Otterbox case for my phone a few monster jam diecast gravedigger model a nice survival knife Monopoly empire some good family time overall not a bad christmas. still have to go over to my stepmoms dads house at some point (fingers crossed for $500 dollars like he gave everyone last year) but the best of it all was the good family time that was spent.
  7. game was lagging on Alex's phone because its a 4/4s and the game was probably designed to run smoothly on the more powerful 5 and 5s but still be playable on older devices...MTD is the same way
  8. it is a great little pack indeed. Trucks look great especially the grinder and mulisha truck with the different bodies on them.
  9. yeah they took the original chassis, dropped the seat and added a bunch of tubing for protection
  10. Type of computer: Dell Insperion 560 CPU: Graphics Card:Intel® G41 Express Chipset RAM:2GB (2012MB) MotherBoard(optional): Hard Drives/SSDs(optional):277GB PSU(optional): ROR FPS on Max Settings: 30FPS (current Settings) 8FPS(Max Settings) Minimum: 15 (current settjngs) 5 (max settings) Average:28 FPS
  11. oh whoops haha just realized where i posted this...meant to post this in Fall Maddness 3 and clicked the wrong forum..but thanks though
  12. was the full track for this event actually released or was it just given to the people who competed? All im finding is the Qualifying only track
  13. i would much rather buy a 2014 BMW Z4M, 2014 M2 or a 2014 M4 for the price of a GT or well optioned mustang
  14. Reptoid has been for sale for like a month and a half by now
  15. dont think hes going for breakables..more so soft bodies
  16. looking very promising so far Klayton
  17. but i think they still own the MTM name...isnt copyright ownership last the rest of the owners life plus 75 years?
  18. Usually just same shows and same haulers (sometimes the 2 will take different Haulers depending on who the driver is, like Dennis's digger for example i think travels in its own hauler)
  19. yeah but the cars infront of the RVs are safer and easier on parts... before (and even sometimes now) the truck would smash into the RV and destroy the front clip of the truck and sent a bunch of Debris into the driving compartment of the truck and sometimes break a steering line or something up front..while today hitting the cars first to raise the front end up it usually ends up reducing body damage, less debri endtering the truck, and easier on parts. Today a driver can plow through a RV or anything else they toss out (like in Phenix they tossed out a old solid metal RV bus thing) they can plow through/crush them and still make it just as cool if not cooler then without the cars if they hit it right
  20. well if you removed the Grill it would work but look really funky..would have to extend the hood a little longer so the chassis rests on the inside of the grill
  21. didnt mean it like a "Rocks rushing to be first" sora thing..just saying im not surprised someone already was making it
  22. not surprising someone is already making the track...looks great Klayton
  23. Apperently according to Adam Legend is staying Blue and Silver!!
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