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Everything posted by DDT

  1. Ill Join Trueblood1997...got my Xbox linked to it but my PS account im having some issues with right now linking
  2. Bigfoot as already made it clear in a comment on there facebook page after saying congrats to Joey on his record they already plan on taking it back at one point
  3. Your not gonna last long around here if you keep stuff like that up
  4. not sure if they are doing it this way but google has hidden sites that you can store projects and files on and then create login accounts that allows access to the files and thats the only way to get to them. But somehow i believe it ended up popping up on a google search result and could be accessed just by clicking on and then the files could be downloaded. It has since been fixed and no longer pops up in the search results.
  5. DDT

    V4.5 SonUvaDigger

    Download Crazy Train 2013 and then use that trucks Lexan file
  6. Theres a new one? Back in January if i recall correctly it looked the same as those ones
  7. Apperently you have not read completely. The 3 finished trucks will be released and so will all the parts and all that good stuff and some if not all the guys will still be making trucks and other content it just wont be released in one big pack but instead individual trucks
  8. SUD and Legend were ever showed? Dont recall seeing them... Either way i had a feeling this would happen or at least be attempted again after the V4 incident. As much as it sucks to have it end that way it is probably for the best. Heck parts of V5 have already been stolen and will probably keep attempting to steal more of it as more got completed
  9. DDT

    V4.5 SonUvaDigger

    i fixed it...i was naming them SUDLexan.png instead of just SUDLexan
  10. DDT

    V4.5 SonUvaDigger

    Which Lexan? I have Lexan .png and Lexan2013.png and when i copy and rename either of them (so it doesnt screw up other trucks) it doesnt change
  11. DDT

    V4.5 SonUvaDigger

    Just toss it in your V4 pack and it replaces SUD
  12. DDT

    V4.5 SonUvaDigger

    the front of the truck is fine for me...only thing wrong is the windshield
  13. DDT

    V4.5 SonUvaDigger

    Its a good improvement over the V4 SUD and cant wait to see what the V5 will be like but for some reason this one the windshield is solid white so it cant be driven incab view
  14. i went there live and from memory the track wasnt much different then 2012...but again i would have to look at pictures to be sure
  15. Well Rock was going to release a WF track pack with it but i think plans have changed and hes also been busy with V4 and now V5 since then.
  16. Thats just a display Chassis...Got old shocks on it and i believe they are mix matched shocks with 20 inch bodies but 26 inch shocks or something like that and all that its good for is driving on and off a trailer and parking.
  17. Weird i noticed that i seem to get the same 30-40 fps with non coil trucks on every track no matter how much detail is in it and i just have a basic 5 year old off the shelf Dell Insperon.But look at where we have come from...We came from the plain ole RORMJ tracks that just had plain grandstands but i love to see the added details to the Tr?cks and ill continue to download them as long as i can still get playable Offline FPS and when i cant ill just shrug my shoulders and buy/build a better pc if i have not already.
  18. The new KK looks sweet in person though
  19. I do that when im at my Grandparents since my Grandfather and Grandmothers PC can handle it a lot better then mine can (60-80FPS with some cars compared to my 20) but i dont do it on MJ tracks very often i usually take them to Penguinville or Flat map of one of the really high mountain maps and just destroy them
  20. dead thread but i got a few games Current Game list for PS3 -MW2 -WWE '13 -Saints Row 3 -GTA 4 -Test Drive Unlimited 2 -Gran Turismo 5 -Burnout Paradise I also have GTA 5 for PS3 preordered
  21. That i love to hear. V5 is looking incredible
  22. Sounds like you just want a coil over Blue Thunder
  23. Joey changes his Paints/Bodies WAY TO MUCH...i understand hes a Indy and the Sponsors are needed (especially for Indys) but still changes them WAY TO MUCH
  24. DDT


    Thanks Mason i never would have guessed one of those numbers was it
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