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Everything posted by DDT

  1. well when you sign up for AOL Instant Messenger you create an account name...thats your AIM
  2. Sorry PC had to upvote that post just because of the fail
  3. Signups are not opened yet and wont be untill V4 is released(Dont ask when but might be a little while) then a thread will be opened by a mod where you post the truck you want to drive, Your AIM, and your actual name
  4. I think everyone is making TO big of a deal out of this. Yeah its not a good thing it got out but based on what i was told its a half a@@ed put together pack as it stands now and is no where near complete and wont be for a little while. With everyone messaging who ever has the pack your just giving that guy attention which is what he probably wants and making him think its fine that he has the pack if he does. And if it is TeamMeents12 like Nick said and i had my suspisions then he has been doing crap like this ever since he came on the ROR scene i think around 2 years ago. I think we should just stop taking everything in our own hands and let the Mods deal with it how they want because i think everyones just making the situation a little worse.
  5. Did he try sending you just SUD or the entire pack? I know Josh goes under ACDCFan on youtube but i know he doesnt go by that on AIM and i have talked to ACDCFan before....ill have to talk to him.
  6. It could mean thanks for the V4 SUD truck but who knows
  7. Danny you mean this video? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VjfU3Y1FNk
  8. PC released his Hotwheels truck on ROR Outlaws
  9. How nice first the WF11 Beta track now the V4 pack
  10. he meant like in the 80s there were monster tanks with were bodies placed on tank tracks like this http://www.pavementsucks.com/board/archive/index.php/thread-117831.html
  11. I have a basic Dell Pc i bought for 250 bucks 3 years ago at walmart and with my settings all turned down i get 30s-40s fps in single and sometimes in my 50s and on online i get around 25-35 fps
  12. Oh never realized that thanks for letting me know
  13. Only thing that can be done besides having a better computer is lowering your settings
  14. oh and my last comment about the turns i meant to say make the inside part of the turn 3 or 4 trucks lengths away from the wall,
  15. oh the width of the lanes? i would say about as wide as one of the crush cars
  16. Also you said max speed is 45 but i hit 80 or 85
  17. yes the ability to switch terrains without leaving the game like you can with trucks in the newer version is almost needed
  18. i would say make the turns around 3 or 4 truck lenghts away from the back wall.
  19. Hells Bells for SUD and Bad To The Bone for Grave Digger
  20. It looks like you would need a much better computer to play it then ROR. I have a 3 year old basic 300 dollar Dell Desktop and i get 30-40 and sometimes in the 50s fps now with that i would get like 2 if it would even start.
  21. Stephen that track actually looks like fun lol
  22. Toolkit is actually whats used to put the map placed on to a ingame terrain
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