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Everything posted by Bobamatic

  1. Here's my 3 http://www.youtube.com/user/bobamatic0 http://www.youtube.com/user/BobamaticZero http://www.youtube.com/user/BobamaticROR
  2. I live in Michigan and my Mom just got a Pit/Beagle mix puppy. It was licensed and everything with no problems. She also has a Pit Lab that is licensed. I think the ban depends on which city you're in. The Pit/Beagle puppy was a rescue (All my family's dogs have been except the first which was given to us). Beating up on animals of any kind is the lowest thing you can do. Animals if treated right are the best protectors, even better than other humans. I train my dogs with sounds and whispering commands to them rather than just yelling at them all the time so when I raise my voice they know their doing something I don't like. I've never had to hit them to get them to do what I want. I used to walk my dog around a college campus without a leash and had no worries of him running away or going anywhere I didn't want him to go because I took the time to train him. Most people get dogs and either keep them in the yard 24/7 or they don't take the time to train them properly. Responsibility should fall on the owners alone because anything that happens is a direct result of their actions. Their pets should be taken and put into a better home rather than being destroyed. I disagree with the destruction of innocent animals of any kind but targeting certain breeds and eradicating them makes us no better than Nazi Germany. There are simple solutions to this problem but it would take too much time and money for our modern society apparently. We are lazy and cheap and killing animals is easier and cheaper than monitoring living conditions, making it mandatory that the owner go through a training class for each dog or controlling the breeding of animals. If this kind of thing doesn't stop now I fear how far it will go. People are moving farther and farther into the wild and are killing animals just because they pose a threat to them. Well all animals can pose a threat to humans so does that mean we should start killing them all? It would be a boring, ugly planet if we were the only inhabitants of it. This is another thing that I see as only the beginning and it needs to stop before we do irreversible damage to what's left of the different species of animals that occupy this planet with us. Pets personalities are a reflection of how much respect their owner has for them. All my family's dogs are friendly once they get to know you (their formally abused animals and all but the puppy are skittish and take some warming up before they are comfortable around new people). I hate bandwagons and things that get a bad rep for no reason. Every Pit Bull I have ever been around from a young toddler to now have been the most loving dogs I have ever had the pleasure of playing with and judging the whole species off of a isolated incidents or what the dumb***es on TV say is the definition of ignorance. Look how many monster truck facts get screwed up in papers and on TV alone and you'll realize how dumb these reporters are. Everyone should support the life of all creatures on this planet and respect them and their space and we can all live together happily.
  3. How about a variation of an old Mercury. Some curvy old school car looking thing. I'm not saying a Mercury exactly but something with that kind of shape to it and maybe work a truck bed into the back of it. Regardless of what the body looks like that thing is going to look awesome.
  4. PM Customs is working on USA 1 to use with that leafer.
  5. I think it's going to take another promoter to get big enough to compete with them to force them to change. Why give the people what they want when you own the market. The corporate mentality is if you own the market don't do anything different and save the good ideas for when the market is down. Right now I think their saving the new and exciting stuff for when competition comes along and starts hurting them financially. I don't think sending them complaints or suggestions does anything. People have been complaining about them not having Bigfoot at their shows for over a decade now and they just have generic, pre-typed letters and responses they send out for that. Something is going to have to happen to force them to change because if their making good money they won't just change on their own, they'll milk it for as long as they can.
  6. I think the point that the guy who started this thread was trying to make was that eventually Monster Trucks will become a stunt/entertainment show instead of a legitimate motorsports league. There are other promoters who have tried to do innovative stuff in racing with a points series and wild or very long tracks but either their sponsors messed them over or they can't get into the larger venues and progress as a company because of Monster Jam having exclusive contracts with many of them. Like PC said Monster Jam has a lock on the market and with the economy the way it is sponsors and venues are less willing to take a risk on something new and different. I hope one day to see a racing/freestyle league with no more than two team trucks at a show (I'd actually prefer one truck from each team) instead of a show of like 8 trucks and three owners and/or entertainment shows. If it does become a stunt show I too will stop going but even if everyone on here stopped going it probably wouldn't make any difference. Every year there are new kids getting exposed to it and their parents will take them to see it.
  7. I should have downloaded this when I first saw it this morning. I hope it's not taken down for good. Rock's stuff is always awesome.
  8. It's funny you call it a circus too. With all the tracks being pretty much Chicago style I've been calling it a one ring circus for years. They could be working big obstacles into a racetrack like other promoters have done in Pocatello or Montreal. I'd even like to see some crossover tracks in some of these big stadiums. It probably won't happen until they have some real competition from another promoter though which I think is far off in the future. The 90's were the golden era and now fans (kids) would not appreciate a show like that. I've given up on seeing Monster Jam change and now just hope someone like Rich Schafer or Ed Beckley can get to a point where they can compete with them. I hope the drivers speak up and get backflips out unless it's a planned side show stunt where they have time to line up properly and do it in a safe way.
  9. I'm not on for a couple of days and this thread blows up. Awesome stuff everyone. I can't wait to play with some of this stuff. I'm hoping to make some progress on my projects in a few weeks when things slow down a bit. The last month and a half have been hell for me.
  10. 5. Monster Patrol 4. Excaliber 3. Taurus 2. Grave Digger 1. Bigfoot (any including Snake Bite)
  11. I really like that track. The Soaring Eagle Casino one from this year would be awesome too.
  12. I started this a while back which I was trying new stuff on. Progress has stopped until I learn to export though.
  13. I work on computers a lot. I've had many people have this problem including myself. My personal computers have done it due to bad ram, overheating and a bad video card driver. Usually it's driver related on the ones I have worked on for other people. Most people don't realize that drivers need to be updated whenever updates are available. To eliminate ram as the problem run memtest. It's a free program that works very well. For drivers go to you're computer manufacturers website and punch in your model number and download and install the latest drivers. As far as overheating goes you have to take the computer apart and clean every fan including the power supply ones and make sure there is no dust on your cpu heatsink or any of the heatsinks in you're computer. I aways blast my stuff out with the air compressor at work. I've also had one with a bad board and one with a bad video card cause bluescreens as well. Pretty much you start with the easiest and cheapest things first and work you're way up till you're computer stops blue screening.
  14. There hasn't been a dome show in over a year and a half and I need some pics from the floor to finish the stadium. Also I need to learn to export myself so I can fix problems faster. Basically right now I'm working on tracks and will probably be releasing them in a pack when I get my pics and finish the stadium. No one want's it done more than me.lol
  15. Track is pretty much done except for a few small details. All that's left is a bunch of small stuff.
  16. I could do some awesome stuff on that track. It looks fun.
  17. Finally made some more progress on the Dome. I made everything 3D that wasn't already, added the flag and deleted a whole bunch more unnecessary stuff. Just need to finish up the track and then time to export. I really hope there's a fall show this year. I'm tired of waiting to take the pics I need.
  18. The Selected option in each of these pics should be turned off on anyone's computer that is making stuff. This is properties for whatever device you go online with. It looks similar to this in Windows 7 also. They won't affect you're internet connection or you're printer connection at all. They are mainly for remote access or printing and accessing files over networks. This and a password on you're Windows profile make it much more difficult to get your stuff. I am on a community network and haven't had any issues since I've done this.
  19. If this is laggy I will use pics of this structure as the texture for a simpler dome. I have high hopes that this will work fine, everything went together pretty smoothly and there are no clusters anywhere. Also a lot of stuff was deleted or simplified before this was built. Still some work left to do but I am very happy with it so far.
  20. I'll probably do that on the game one.
  21. It's because I have Coby Cochran's old school truck in my V3 pack and I'm going to guess it won't work in V4. I play with that truck a lot. Luckily I have multiple computers to put it on so I'll probably do V3 on one and V4 on my main game computer.
  22. Number one truck I want to drive is Bigfoot 18. One question I have is will the V3 pack have to be removed for the V4 pack to work or can you have them both in the game at the same time?
  23. All but 4 Silverdome shows sine 1989 and I think I only missed 2 Ford Field ones.
  24. In Monster Jam/USHRA I would say either Hot Stuff in 1990? when it rolled backwards off a set of cars and the drivers heart stopped (he was revived on the scene) or King Krunch in 97 at Truckfest. Both those were serious hits on the roof and the trucks and drivers weren't braced and secured like they are now or even the last decade. Out of all the crashes in Monster Jam/USHRA those would be my top two.
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