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Everything posted by Bobamatic

  1. This is the first photoshopped pic I have ever done and I did it last week. Still lots of learning to do but this looks really good on a big monitor.
  2. I don't know what it could be off hand. I'm guessing this is your first time trying play it? I should be up on aim tomorrow(bad signal tonight) If you don't figure it out by then hit me up on there. My name is on my profile page.
  3. I believe Parma still sells the clod replica if not you can probably find it on ebay. I'm pretty sure it is still avilable and it is a lexan one also.
  4. In config go to render system and change your resolution which is probably set at 32 bit to the same resolution but 16 bit. I have to do that on my laptop for it to work good. If that doesn't work let me know what version you have and we'll go from there.
  5. Find the sounds you want then go into the V3 pack and find grave digger idle, low, mid and high. Copy the exact names from the V3 pack digger sounds and rename your sounds to those names. Then copy your sounds into the V3 pack, clear and regen cache.
  6. Unplug all unused USB devices espically external hard drives. Mine was lagging big time until I did that and now runs perfect.
  7. Old School Fun. Thanks to Coby Cochran for letting me use his truck.
  8. Nice to see some new tracks popping up. Can't wait to run the Detriot 2012 one if it's released. Been a while since I posted a update on mine mainly because there haven't been any until yesterday. After one more small thing is done it will be ready for export and testing. Hopefully this one is playable.
  9. I'd say it's about 70% complete right now. It will be uploaded when it's done.
  10. Some old pics I found that I didn't even know I had.
  11. Ford Field Detroit January 14th 2012
  12. I voted when this was first posted. Only 18 so far?
  13. Yeah it didn't feel like a normal Tom Meents freestyle but it was still a really good show for having so many indy's there. All of them did a great job. I don't believe that was the televised one because there were no speed signs anywhere. I think the March one will be the televised one. Another thing it seemed like the freestyle runs were very short. I don't know how much time they gave them but it didn't seem like it was a lot. Maybe it's just me.
  14. Ford Field hilights. Samson knocks off Digger in round 2. Bounty Hunter wins racing over Max D. Grave Digger wins freestyle which I believe is Diggers first win in Ford Field. Max D does a 90 degree wheelie into an obstacle and doesn't destroy his truck. Good show can't wait for March and the return of Jim Kohler after a two year absance in Ford Field.
  15. Some pics of the Bounty Hunter display in Madison Heights MI from today. Jimmy wasn't there and I think Dawn was asleep. I believe it was their crew chief signing the autographs. I didn't get many pics because it was so cold. Can't wait for the show tomorrow. Looks like he has a different tire pattern on the front now.
  16. Thanks RKM. I'm trying to figure out how he made the poles and the top layer of the mud pit where it's visable but the trucks can go right through it. I will need crushable vans in the future for an idea I have though. I'll be hitting you up on that later IAMTheMegaMan. Thanks for the help guys.
  17. I have a laptop with a 64MB vid card and found that running the game at a lower resolution and 16 bit color instead of 32 bit helped it a lot. Also turn off all somke and dust and all those options. Also try a program called gamebooster. Basically it stops all unnecessary programs from running and helps speed it up a little.
  18. I was wondering if anyone could tell me who made this track. I have some questions for the maker and didn't get a resonse on the video. There is something in here I want to do on one of my tracks and would like to ask the maker how he did it.
  19. This is very close to what I am building for gaming right now. That's a steal of a price for that case. This should keep you gaming happy for a while. Also I would like to put a vote in for the computer tech section that RKM recommended.
  20. A shortage of hard drives is what's making the price of computers increase and the price of hard drives increase. Components like ram and video cards are cheap these days which is why I recommended he just upgrade what he has. Google "hard drive prices going up" and check out some of the articles. As for where I shop, Newegg the best place to shop.
  21. If you threw a gig of ram and a $70 1 gig graphics card in it I think you would be very happy with what you currently have. If overheating is a concern just make sure you don't overclock and make sure you have a fan everywhere you can in the case(some cases have places to put them but don't include them). It would cost about a hundred dollars to make this work good. I've been telling the people who I do computer work for not to get a new computer right now. The prices have gone up and will continue to go up over the next year at least due to the flooding in Thailand. I am constantly looking for computers for people and have seen the prices going up on them also the external hard drive I bought last summer which was $100 is now $150. If it was me I would just upgrade what you have for now and save up over the next year or so and get a really awesome one when prices come back down. I am poor also and currently run a Pentium 4 3.0GHZ with 2 gigs of RAM and a one gig vid card with XP and there really isn't anything I can't do with it. Yours, if you did the upgrades, would probably be faster than mine because of the processor you have.
  22. I hope there is a place to watch this if I miss the live stream.
  23. Digger got Tweaked a little.
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