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Everything posted by runt9

  1. Glad you guys like it. I put a lot of work into it and I like to think it's pretty sweet.
  2. File Name: Vengeance 7 File Submitter: runt9 File Submitted: 10 Dec 2012 File Category: V4 Customs Well, this is the first truck I'll have made for RoR. This is my own custom truck series from MTM2. I'm starting with #7 because 6 was the last Vengeance made in MTM2. Everything on the truck is the same as it was on Metal Mulisha from the V4 pack except: Body Paint: runt9 Wing: ZOTM_Bigdogge, modified by runt9 Please do not use this truck in any official leagues without my permission since it is my own personal truck. Thanks. Click here to download this file
  3. runt9

    Vengeance 7


    Well, this is the first truck I'll have made for RoR. This is my own custom truck series from MTM2. I'm starting with #7 because 6 was the last Vengeance made in MTM2. Everything on the truck is the same as it was on Metal Mulisha from the V4 pack except: Body Paint: runt9 Wing: ZOTM_Bigdogge, modified by runt9 Please do not use this truck in any official leagues without my permission since it is my own personal truck. Thanks.
  4. Thanks for all the kind words guys. I just went and spent about 9 hour straight on it yesterday and knocked it out. It was just like making an MTM2 truck, only easier, haha. Now time to start making tracks!
  5. Alright. I would just rather be safe than sorry. This isn't like MTM2 where I've made all my own stuff (yet) and don't have to credit anyone, so I want to make sure I don't step on any toes before I even get a chance to race, haha.
  6. Alright, I'm changing the wing to black. I just realized how out of place that gray looks. Otherwise, it may finally be done.
  7. Well, that was easier than I thought... I still suck at painting, though, lol Once I get permission from the respective creators, I will release the truck.
  8. Hehe, I couldn't have done it without the help of Mr. Mark here. He basically got me everything I needed to roll out this truck, so I owe him many thanks and probably a beer or two
  9. Soo... I'm... Back? I guess? May I present to you, the early beginnings of Vengeance 7: Right now, yes, I am using parts from other people. They will all get credit and all that good stuff. I plan on making more modifications moving forward, as well.
  10. Nevermind guys. I'm pleasantly surprised at how easy all of this blender stuff is, so I will be able to make this in time. Thanks, anyways.
  11. Hey all, Back in MTM2, I started my own truck series called "Vengeance". It became more about who I was than the truck I was driving. Since I'm still in the process of learning what in the heck I'm doing with these programs and I need to get signed up for Outlaws before it's too late, I was wondering if someone would be able to go ahead and make a copy of Vengeance #6 for me, or at least something similar. http://mtm2.com/~trucks/trucks.cgi?search=vengeance+6&truck=on There's the download link for it for MTM2, and here's the only picture I have lying around for it: If no one is able to take on the project, I completely understand. I still plan on learning everything myself, I just don't know if I can learn everything before Outlaws starts. Thanks, Alex
  12. Psh, good to see you, too, Sean Quite a long time it has been, for sure.
  13. Well, thanks to Mr. Milburn, I apparently want to play this game. He decided to tell me that this place has become quite jumping and that we're looking at getting some side leagues going now. I kinda missed all of you old MTM2 folk, so I think it's about time I drop in. But for a real intro... I'm Alex Vester and I just turned 20. I played MTM2 from the day it came out in 1998 until the day it fell apart. I tried to be a very active member of the community, running multiple leagues, creating trucks and tracks, and generally trying to be a fellow friend to everyone (though I'm sure Ryan Smith would tell you differently, hehe). I tried to play Rigs of Rods a bit around a year ago, but I just never had the time to play it because I worked the night shift at a fast food restaurant and wasn't on for the races. However, I now work in Tech Support and get home at 5 every day, so I think it's about high time to give this another try. So, in closing... Hello everyone. Good to see some old faces around here, and I hope to meet some new faces and become friends with everyone once again. Also, you can find me on AIM at "runt9ab".
  14. 1. Why it took til page 12 to break the Dubstep barrier, I'll never know. Why every page has not been populated with no less than 1 dubstep song a page, I'll never know. It's taking over everything. 2. SilverWolf, you win the internet for posting Nightwish. They are my favorite band of all time, and you did what I didn't have to do. 3. Otherwise, very typical from this group. Mainstream rock and metal, some classic rock, plenty of Metallica, so on so forth. My musical tastes are like this... Selena Gomez to Skrillex to The Agonist to Eminem to Shiny Toy Guns to Pendulum to The Birthday Massacre to Dead by April to Sirenia and everything in between... But if we're talking favorite songs of all time... http://www.youtube.c...h?v=-FVA0ZFTr7o That about sums it up.
  15. Truck Name: Tropical Thunder Real Name: Alex Vester AIM: runt9ab
  16. You do realize that PC is still the oldest, the most technologically advanced, the most diverse, and the most perfect platform for all forms of gaming, correct? Consoles are game controller and kindasorta wheel and pedals ONLY, as opposed to the beauty of a keyboard and mouse AND the aforementioned controllers, and more, and they're restricted to the hardware that's given to them as opposed to the nigh infinite possibilities of the PC, that is only limited by the gaming engines as opposed to the hardware. Don't you EVER call consoles "Actual Gaming" again, because it is not only false, it is that stupidity that has brought forth the downfall of the PC gaming community because it's easier for a mommy to go buy her 12 year old an Xbox than it is a gaming computer, and that's the ONLY thing consoles have on PC is that they're cheaper. /endrant
  17. Well, I had my time away. I believe it's been since about March of last year. But I do kinda miss you crazy jerks...
  18. So um... Hello? I guess. It feels weird saying hello to some people that I've known for years. Just kinda realized how long it'd been since I communicated with any of the old MTM2 crowd, and I wanted to see what everyone was up to. I guess I might have to try this old RoR thing out sometime. AIM is still the same it's always been: runt9ab. Gimme a holler, I kinda wanna hear from some of you older guys sometime.
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