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Everything posted by runt9

  1. A wild Dave Collard appears! Good to see you, Dave, and I hope you're not working yourself to death over there. I look forward to seeing you get a chance to settle down in life, and congrats on the wedding!
  2. File Name: American Nightmare File Submitter: runt9 File Submitted: 30 Dec 2012 File Category: V4 Customs Made this for crazyboy per his request. I'd like if no one used it in leagues but him. Credits: Paint - runt9 Lightbar - runt9 Everything else - V4 Creators Click here to download this file
  3. Enter edit mode on one of the black objects, select all the faces, and press U. That'll add an unwrap UV map to them.
  4. 308 downloads

    Made this for crazyboy per his request. I'd like if no one used it in leagues but him. Credits: Paint - runt9 Lightbar - runt9 Everything else - V4 Creators
  5. Hey there Yom, good to see you.
  6. File Name: Sick Kiss File Submitter: runt9 File Submitted: 29 Dec 2012 File Category: V4 Customs I made this truck for rmnldr per her request. I would like if no one uses this truck in any leagues but her. Credits: Paint - runt9 Everything else - V4 Bounty Hunter creators Click here to download this file
  7. Aww, Jordan, you didn't notice the IDS logo on the trailer there?
  8. Still gotta actually like... Texture the ramps and stacks, but hey, it's almost there!
  9. Shhhh. It looks fine textured and that's all that matters, lol.
  10. runt9

    Sick Kiss


    I made this truck for rmnldr per her request. I would like if no one uses this truck in any leagues but her. Credits: Paint - runt9 Everything else - V4 Bounty Hunter creators
  11. I know a certain Top Gear host that would love to destroy that in a monster truck.
  12. Yeah, I understand your viewpoint. But think of it this way: Instead of there being 1 big window that you have to push and shove your way into, you have 2 smaller windows; one where you push and shove your way into, and another where you might get randomly sucked into. It's not really any different than just having smaller field sizes, except you still have a second chance. And yes, the bubble qualifiers can lose their spots to some random person who DNF'd both times, but at least you know you had the exact same chance to get in as everyone else.
  13. Guys, if you have something to say not related to sign-ups, please take it to PMs. Let's keep this on-topic, shall we?
  14. File Name: Rainbow Dash File Submitter: runt9 File Submitted: 26 Dec 2012 File Category: V4 Customs This project was ongoing in the background for a while. I spent a LOT of time on this truck, from modeling the tail and hair to very specifically designing the paintjob, to exporting models over and over and over fine tuning things. I will only let certain people race this truck in leagues. You MUST contact me personally to use any of the custom modeled parts off of this truck or to run it in any league. Credits: Hair/Tail Models - runt9 Paint - runt9 Retexturing - runt9 Everything else - V4 owners Click here to download this file
  15. File Name: Sudden Impact (Custom) File Submitter: runt9 File Submitted: 27 Dec 2012 File Category: V4 Customs This truck was made for Jr. Seasock per his request. No one may use it in any league except him. Credits: Paint - runt9 Everything else - V4 Creators Click here to download this file
  16. 12-27-12 IDS Offices Dallas, TX Ladies and Gentlemen, as the Owner and President of the International Dragging Series, I would like to take the time to make a special announcement. As described before, I like to think of myself as an innovator of sorts. I had the first league in MTM2 to do weekly recap videos, and also the first to purposely hold events all over the world as an international tour. As an innovator, I hated the thought of telling everyone that if you are bad at this game, you're not allowed to race because you won't be able to qualify. So here I present the next innovation I'd like to bring to the virtual monster truck world: The Randomly Selected Bottom Qualifier System, or RSBQS as I will refer to it from here on out, is a system that will give everyone a second chance if you didn't qualify for an event. This is how it works: - Each driver will qualify like normal for an event, running 2 runs and getting an average time. - Half of the field will be selected from the top qualifiers list. This means, for example, that at a 16 truck event, the top 8 qualifiers are in. - The bottom half of the field will be RANDOMLY SELECTED from the remaining qualifiers and seeded according to their qualifying time. Because it's random, that means that EVERYONE has an equal chance to make the event, even if you didn't qualify for it. This also gives a second chance to people who are usually strong racers but botched a pass or two during qualifying. It offers a second chance to those who get nervous when the time comes to make a pass. No one should be punished for being bad at the game, and everyone should have a fair chance to make the event. Yes, you're still not as good as the people locked in, and you will still be put in the bracket against people who might be better than you, but at least you're given a chance. That's what RSBQS is all about, folks. A chance. The excitement of knowing you screwed up a pass, but frantically refreshing the brackets page at 11:01... 11:02... 11:03 to see if the random number generator picked you, giving you that second chance to show the world what you're made of. You may be the worst racer in the world, but the best freestyler the game has seen. Great! Go out and do your best, and if you randomly get picked, now you can still go out there and show the world what freestyle means to you! As for the questions and concerns I know I will get, I will address them: "But Alex, the more people that qualify, the less likely each person is to get in!" Yes, but isn't that the same with current qualifying standards? Except with current qualifying standards, you don't have a chance to get randomly selected. So isn't this better? "But Alex, now those people who WOULD have gotten into the event didn't because of your dumb RSBQSFAWEHGASD system!" First off, it's RSBQS... Second off, isn't it still the same problem as being the 13th qualifier for a field of 12? There will be unhappy people, but now you know that you not only had a chance at it on the track, you had a chance at it in randomness. So isn't this better? "But Alex, what if one of these randomly selected people doesn't show up?" Well, we do like we would do if one of the qualifiers don't show up: we grab the next highest qualifier who is online at the time. I'm sure there are many questions and comments to be had, and I would love to hear them. I have sat down with my officials and they agree it's a great system, but I'd like to get the community's feedback before it gets written into the rulebook. So I ask of you, community: "What say you?"
  17. Oh, it'll be ready by then No. If you don't like it, don't race. I ask for age to make it at least SOMEWHAT like a real driver bio page.
  18. Well, because for the life of me, I can't ever find the right settings to do a proper AO bake. I try and try and try and end up with only parts of the hood and certain other odd areas getting shaded. If you could enlighten me, that would be perfect... EDIT: After further review, the ruling on the field is overturned. If you remove the backfaces from the inside of the truck body first, raytrace knows what to do and properly shades the truck. 1st and 10 on the 20. EDIT 2: Well, since no one has replied today, I'll just edit this with Glen Milburn's truck request... A remake of Extreme by White from MTM2:
  19. 451 downloads

    This project was ongoing in the background for a while. I spent a LOT of time on this truck, from modeling the tail and hair to very specifically designing the paintjob, to exporting models over and over and over fine tuning things. I will only let certain people race this truck in leagues. You MUST contact me personally to use any of the custom modeled parts off of this truck or to run it in any league. Credits: Hair/Tail Models - runt9 Paint - runt9 Retexturing - runt9 Everything else - V4 owners
  20. Because when you first posted yours, you had not filled out the form correctly. You'll get added when I do another sweep here in a little while.
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