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Everything posted by Goldberg6734

  1. oh god I still remember when I was playing as Grave Digger in The Pit and The Guy said Grave Digger is Taking a Detour! Classic Moments
  2. ..... Guys Rare to me is that you can find it on the internet but not at alot of places.
  3. How the Heck did he flip?! Was it that he had too much Speed to hit it perfectly? Anyways Girl's Comments. Cars won. er... Nice Try Guys!!!! Cars 1 Grave Digger 0
  4. Er... It has gone now.. V2 I think ur asking er.. Its very Rare to find nowadays because noone uses it Other then that It has not been seen from when V3 Released
  5. Rare As in..............Well Its not rare just Not alot of people haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaave it
  6. Not That Great? Jeesh Admins if you want to delete it don't. Its not Bad. Rocks WF9 is Ok and This one is too. Just Saying.. Oh and Btw Mdemko. The reason we want it is its a part of History they used that WF not Rocks. Plus its very Rare to find. So If its very Rare we want it.
  7. Well theres no Chrome is V3 But there is a File in the V3 Pack that has the decals for the Chrome One
  8. I Know. Mk? What Im saying is that if People Like it they like it no harm done. Plus you can just export your skp tracks to blender. It Does not matter if You like Skp Tracks or Blender tracks. Just Be yourself and just download any.
  9. Vince went to PG Cause Not alot of People were buying their stuff so he made it for kids and now he makes like 30.9 Million $ a Year
  10. monsterjamfan some people use Sketchup they don't know blender so don't say Join Blender its so awesome. They just like sketchup and then they will decide
  11. At my point.. I think it will come back because theres some hints along the WWE Raw 1000th like the intro ending at the end of Raw 1000th It used to say Attitude But now its Entertainment so It may come back idk.
  12. Royal rumble 2013 is in Arizona just sayen
  13. Guys. I have an idea! We can talk about Raw 1000th During it in the Chat Room!
  14. Can you upload Maxd and Grave Digger?
  15. I was talking to TheMonsterjam101 today about please stop hacking and.. heres what he said. idk Ok I Got rid of V4. I don't Belive him I still have him blocked though
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7u3e05sYgc&feature=g-vrec What happens Behind the Scenes. Who can't forget Undertaker Vs Mankind King Of the Ring H3ll In a Cell http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz-3qp5ejXM
  17. Mick Fol-Wait Not that. Trevor Amos
  18. Im thinking August Cause they have still more work to do
  19. 5. nWo 4. Sting 3. Goldberg 2. Avenger 1.Nothing
  20. If its on this the multiplayer making better be easy
  21. http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3q2409/ http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3q243n/
  22. Well I decided to make a Thread as the same as Lookeys but its Saves. So Post the Saves! Go to 2:44
  23. The only way to do it is Gray. Also I don't see it Clear. But Thats the only way I know it
  24. Well Guys BB is kinda out for like 2012-2014 Unless if a driver gets it but I think this is a great Design love it!
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