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Everything posted by MonsterJam2008

  1. Cool truck. Why did they switch to a sort wheel base in the real truck? whats the advantage?
  2. ok, it looks similar to my dad's old truck which was an '81
  3. https://www.youtube.com/user/LBTVproductions They were at Anaheim last night
  4. Awesome tracks, can't wait to try out the redone San Antonio.
  5. Can't get the truck to work. Is it .37 only?
  6. I wish instead of a couple of cars to separate the lanes they would use a ramp similar to what they do at baseball stadiums, or are the football stadiums to narrow?
  7. Have you considered a diagonal setup. It would have to be in a 2 day format, but have jumps at odd angles, instead of the usually 90 degrees.
  8. Anaheim is looking good, glad they wen't back to So Cal style.
  9. I use 45-50 external and usually around 80-90 internal
  10. I know fov is more personal preference but what fov is that?
  11. East Rutherford 2014 had ruts and bumps all over the stadium which was really cool and a while back I think there was a beach track that did something similar to recreate the traction of sand
  12. WF14/15 Release date: Day after Half Life 3 comes out. Surprised nobody has made that joke yet.
  13. At the end of the day they're entertainers and a majority of the crowd wants to see destruction and crashes, so they deliver.
  14. http://scontent-a.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t50.2886-16/10941085_1378594992447966_751340466_n.mp4 http://scontent-a.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t50.2886-16/10938751_1536132853328030_908844430_n.mp4 I hope Ryan's truck stays together in Vegas because he is on a whole other level.
  15. I think it has something to do with his contract being up in the next year or so. Also he should just put Vegas on there.
  16. I feel the jersey style hasn't been used correctly. They never do anything with the starting line side of the stadium, they just make a small table top for the freestyle. They should put a full bus stack, world finals 5 style.
  17. Off topic, but the gif in your signature, where they drop a truck from a crane, what truck is that? looks like reptoid.
  18. If there recommending a 8350 it better take advantage of all 8 cores i have in my cpu.
  19. I know monster trucks are generally associated with idiot rednecks, but still.
  20. One's a baseball field the other is a football field. The difference in size has more to do with the shape of the stadium, not so much sq. footage.
  21. Whats with the overuse of slow motion? IMO slow motion is great for replays but not during the main run, it hurts the runs momentum.
  22. I want to see that freestyle track in march. The best 2 day format world finals track.
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