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Everything posted by Crazyboy335

  1. You'd be better off getting NR2003 or iRacing.
  2. Location, location, location...
  3. Tony Stewart's gonna win the race and Newman will win the championship.
  4. Don't buy complete machines, always piece one together with parts you've researched and decided on.
  5. Oh, yeah, I wrecked not 250 yards after the S/F line during a Carb Cup race. I'm the guy right in front of the videotaping guy, in the #45. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob-lLiBZMME 2:35
  6. That one time when I accidentally hit the gym teacher with a dodgeball... oh wait, that was today.
  7. and redoing this for the 800,000th time. GTR2 BeamNG.Drive FS2002 (swag) NR2003 iRacing RoR NR1 NR2 NR3 NR4 NR2002 CS:GO GMod SS2013 Ampu-Tea Gang Beasts Phun ETS2 18WoS:PTTM 18WoS:H 18WoS:C 18WoS:AA 18WoS:ALH NHL94 NHL95 NHL04 NHL05 NHL08 NT2003 NT2004 SimCity4 NFS:MW05 NFS:C NFS:MW12 NFS:U2 NFS:U NFS:PS NFS:S Yeah, it's a lot...
  8. The Pirates aren't gonna win anything so I'm just praying for the Dodgers next year.
  9. And also, this was probably what he was talking about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5LLo9IwZuw
  10. Hometown: Lernerville NASCAR: Mid Ohio (going there next August, woop woop!)
  11. I have an ASUS GPU so it's probably weak hardware, virus, etc etc etc. Or the inside of your PC is really bad and you should clean it up and upgrade some of the stuff.
  12. I just threw up in my mouth. But you do make a good point.
  13. Oh, yeah. Once in CSGO I got stuck under the ground but I could still fire at people. That was a fun deathmatch..
  14. Steven Merzlak I just lurk around the forums, I haven't driven in a while..
  15. Crazyboy335


    Post your poetry. I'll start. Roses are red, Violets are blue, I suck at rhyming, Zebra.
  16. Is there any chassis that can fit an unmodified Dodge Ram that has a front-engine coilover setup? I can hardly do a box in Blender, let alone extend the bed of a Dodge Ram.
  17. So since 2011 I've wanted to make a custom truck for myself. Trouble is, I don't know what I'm doing. Basically it'll be a Dodge Ram on a Meents chassis. So, how do I swap bodies, make the skin, and clone the truck so it's separate from a Meents truck?
  18. GARGANTUAN BUMP but it's contribution, right? NR2003: Shoving Matt Kenseth halfway through the fence in Turn 3, basically grinding the fence like a skateboard. KSP: Kerbals can survive re-entry. While on EVA. NCG: Driver deformation.. weird. ETS2: Hit a pothole at 110kmh and flew through the world.
  19. Insta-response but I'm using an AMD R9 290. Not sure how I'm getting low graphics.
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