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Everything posted by Mjamfan22

  1. Thanks anyway hotshoe... 1.i was looking for 2.65 2. i mean't like import trucks and stuff
  2. Well that sucks. Thanks anyway
  3. Is there a blender 2.65 importer? If so where can i find it?
  4. Everyone seems to need a new computer lol i just don't want windows 8, but i have 2500 dollars so i might get a nice one for myabe 700-1000, idk yet.
  5. Lol i'm not gonna get it right now either as much as i want to but my computer just can't handle it.
  6. John OMG! When that comes out that will be the best day of my life. Lol Great Job!
  7. Yea same RKM my computer just can't make it, but once i get a new one ill sure as hell buy it. Also, if i buy it on one computer like the one im on and then get a new one, would i be able to switch it?? I don't want to buy it twice.
  8. Sweet! Have to admit it is me,well half way. Anyway... after messing with the bake settigns a little more, changing the textures, editing some of the jumps, i think that is a wrap? Anyone wanna add anything? Speak Up Now... Edit: UPDATE! Done?
  9. Hey guys so im thinking of temaking my dirty pack because i know i can do a lot better so expect some teasers soon!
  10. Coming together... Like it UP! Lol Edit: Any obstacle ideas?, if so tell me!
  11. help? and my jumps turn out black when i bake... why?
  12. Yep Edit:Well i liked the paint better, all the new tires and stuff look a lot better.
  13. ANOTHER BAILOUT! YES! Good Job! But i will say i liked the other one better.
  14. Um i honestly Don't know. i am either gonna make it an arena of some sort or a custom 3 lane drag. I'm just getting used to the new blender atm
  15. I did it like this... and it turned out like that. Note:this is just a quick obstacle not a real one.
  16. ahhh a smooth bake, no time to finish the track:)
  17. ahhh ok well you can lock this topic now
  18. Klayton and Justin MY GOD ITS AMAZING!
  19. how do you up the samples? Edit:Well i use both blenders so if you can tell for both blenders?
  20. Did i bevel this wrong or something because the front is off the "ground". Any Help?
  21. Ohhh Glowwwwwwzzzzz lol Good Job Chris and DF Usa 1 looks GREAT! Good Job! and for me now... i started on a monster cross no pictures yet though BUT! that was with blender 2.49 and as of 5 minutes ago i now use blender 2.65. It is the easiest thing ever and looks great... One thing is that you can't select a vert threw a vert if you know what i mean. Tom,Klayton do you know how to fix that because to me it gets in my way and is annoying.
  22. Lol before that we need breakable trucks (realistic ones) *wink* *wink*
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