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Everything posted by Mjamfan22

  1. everyone told me to raise the container and stuff so i did.
  2. File Name: World Finals 3 File Submitter: monster jam fan File Submitted: 19 Jul 2013 File Category: Tracks The wait is over! Here is... World Finals 3. Give me your feedback in the comments and i will upload a new version if i need. credits: Stadium: LF Cars: Klayton Track: Me Beta Tester: JJFan Click here to download this file
  3. Version v1


    The wait is over! Here is... World Finals 3. Give me your feedback in the comments and i will upload a new version if i need. credits: Stadium: LF Cars: Klayton Track: Me Beta Tester: JJFan
  4. i like this one honestly, i'll move to a new stadium another day. this is WF3. And i will fix the campers. The camper is not in the ground btw i lowered the verts a little to make it look a little crushed because it was. its not in the ground.
  5. Well hard to follow up that^ BUT it is finally done and will be released ASAP.
  6. A custom. I don't know what to call it. i know i should be working on world finals 3 but, my lanes were uneven so quick fix the that and it will be done but i hope you like this track. Any idea for the obstacle on the left? Note: haven't put cars yet.
  7. Ummmm GREAT idea! ^ Anyway... no pictures but i redid world finals 3's ground texture, looked good but uhhh. all the textures were off because my UV was off so im gonna take another try, this is my fifth time texturing it i think. I hope you guys sure like it and download it.
  8. NICE! and i see a world fnals..... which one?
  9. Im fine with Klaytons tracks, i think there fantastic and my computer runs them find. and klayton brought up another point, are we moving to Beamng when it comes out? if so lag would not be an issue and the limits for tracks and trucks would be ENDLESS.
  10. Ok not done yet but a comparison maybe of my old and new WF 3!
  11. World Finals 3!!!!! Not Done... Credits: Modeling: Me Cars/Textures: Klayton Stadium: Liquidfire
  12. I AM making workd finals 3. Im really almost done... Butttttt no teaser pics yet
  13. File Name: Mjamfan22's Mess File Submitter: monster jam fan File Submitted: 09 Jul 2013 File Category: Tracks Well i made this a couple months ago, just messing around. This really isn't a track, but It can be fun to mess around. Credits: Track: Me Texture: Me Cars: klayton Click here to download this file
  14. File Name: 4th of July Special 2 File Submitter: monster jam fan File Submitted: 09 Jul 2013 File Category: Tracks Ok this is my first file in a LONG time. I think i did Ok on this track. Note:In the picture my settings are all on low and off so it looks bad, it won't look that bad ingame for you. (i'm on my slow ccomputer) Credits: Track: Me Texture: Edy Cars/Car Textures: Klayton Stadium: I Don't Know Sorry Click here to download this file
  15. Jesus, i just saw that yesterday in skype as just a stadium and now its this! Great job!
  16. Ok well im thinking this threw but i need some help from you. I am thinking about remaking my world finals 3. If i get over 15 up votes, i will remake it! Like it up!
  17. 454 downloads

    Well i made this a couple months ago, just messing around. This really isn't a track, but It can be fun to mess around. Credits: Track: Me Texture: Me Cars: klayton
  18. 538 downloads

    Ok this is my first file in a LONG time. I think i did Ok on this track. Note:In the picture my settings are all on low and off so it looks bad, it won't look that bad ingame for you. (i'm on my slow ccomputer) Credits: Track: Me Texture: Edy Cars/Car Textures: Klayton Stadium: I Don't Know Sorry
  19. Please Support me If anyone has any stadiums that they use or don't mind handing it to another track maker, i would be honored! 1.It can be any stadium. 2.If textured and/or have textures (prefered) 3.YOU WILL GET CREDIT!!!!!! Whooot Thanks to everyone who can help because i am tired of my old crappy stadium Note: Everytime i make a stadium it turns out t look like a turd. Please aim me at Mjamfan22@gmail.com if you can send me any.
  20. Well racing ingame... can someone tell me how to get rid of this light thing and the position is all wrong i need to start using toolkit which i will do. Also it looks so bad b/c all my settings or off/all the way low so don't mind that(im on my slow computer)
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