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Everything posted by Mjamfan22

  1. Modeling maybe? i dont know i kind of want to build my own truck but i am lost...
  2. Yes i will i just did wear marks and im doing fs right now would you like like a van kind of thing, a double car thing?
  3. Well it is done... Have to do a freestyle version and Have to export Thanks to Edy for the paint.
  4. Dark i run 105 on .37 also, i get around well above that on .38 i can't tell you an exact number but it is enough.
  5. The car is inside the dirt unlike yours
  6. My bad guys my computer still won't turn on guys so imma get it checked out
  7. Guys... My 4th of july special will not be out by the 4th:( it is done but for some reason my computer will not let me get on ANYTHING. I cant open chrome, cant get on Ror to beta test, cant export it, etc. so imma take a little break AGAIN just because it IS the 4th of july an ill see if it is fixed in a few days. Hope you all arent mad. (This is from my iphone)
  8. Rock that is stll low vert. it is better than sub divide.
  9. Truck: Western R. AIM: mjamfan22@gmail.com Name: Henry Jacobs Rank: Rookie Reason: I like to try new things
  10. Its hard to explain imfor me at least and for me it would be a lot to type so i will TRY to make a tutorial on how to. I actually might make 3 tutorials. Low vert ramps-thanks to rock/danny, how to texture the good way-rock/mark, exporting so look for those soon.
  11. HOLY!!!!!!!!!!!! that looks AWESOME!
  12. Racing: Grave Digger XX Green SLIDEEEEEEE Freestyle: 1. Max D. Ish just because it is easy to roll back over 2. Metal M. I dont know i just am a great freestyler with it 3. Grave Digger The Legend Bounce
  13. Ok 2 votes for no 0 for yes looks like no backflip ramp (Oh Well less work for me) Progress: No idea on what to do on the other side maybe a bus but then it would look like a normal stadium... mmm i dont know yet.
  14. Mason i did that and it like ruined the track. Lol thanks anyway GUYS LISTEN! Should i add a backflip ramp to 4th Of July Special 2 because some of us like me don't really think backflips are for monster jam and some of us love them so should i put one?
  15. I am making this topic because i want some peoples aim and skype names just to talk you know because right now MOST of my friends on aim are people who got hacked or NEVER online. So post your aim name and skype name! I'll start- aim:mjamfan22@gmail.com skype:henryjacobs99
  16. This literally took 20 minutes because i am just so lost i feel like im new at this. Anyway its the best double i ever built, still a lot more to go! Enjoy this though lol. I still need help texturing!Can anyone at all help me? once someone explains it a little i will get it because i did it before i just forgot how. Please guys, i need to get some tracks out. This is for 4th Of July Special 2
  17. Sorry guys:( i promise the next one will be old style. And can anyone help me texture. I kept trying and trying but still a blank i think a six month break is to long.
  18. Custom World Finals 3: Can anyone help me texture? i forgot because it has been 6 months since i have so just aim me at mjamfan22@gmail.com or skype me at henryjacobs99 Thanks, Majmfan22
  19. OK guys Custom World Finals 2 Freestyle: CWF2 is done just needs to be exported...CWF# is done and just needs texturing which i forgot how to do because it has been 6 months, any wanna help. im an easy learner. Most of you remember the first one but this is the 2nd annual 4TH OF JULY SPECIAL!!!!: And if anyone could (Rock,Edy,Danny,John) someone help me texture since i havent textured in 6 months. sorry i have forgot but if anyone could help that would be GREAT! and Amazing! Thanks for anyones help, Mjamfan22
  20. Whoa my first funrun in FOREVER! Name:You Got It Aim:Mjamfan22@gmail.com Truck:Ima Rock The Digger
  21. Guys... i am back and i just getting ready to finish Custom World Finals 2 and 3. I am also finishing a lot of old projects that i started before i left about a half a year ago or so. Welp i'm back and everything looks great. I hope to post something soon!!!! P.S. I want to make a shoutout to "coconutmen" because before i left he was only like on his third track and now he has my jaw to the ground. pasted me up by far:( Great Job Man!
  22. Oh ok well ill get someone to upload it. rock can you?
  23. Well im trying to upload my new track and everytime i click "link to file" or "link to image" it just goes to the top of the page. Any help?
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