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Everything posted by Edy

  1. Has been a long, long, long time since i made a custom truck.... "did you feed wild thang after midnight?" - Ryan McCauley "woaaaaaaaaaah...sweet" - John Dough "evil looking" - Kozak
  2. Here is something that will be helpfull for you guys, content creators and everyone!! http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/topic/6216-body-samplesbakes-thread/#entry76793
  3. Here are some bakes from bodies of V4 i have..... hope they are usefull, dont be afraid and post your own so we can help the little content creators to grow! Also will post some more in the future, hope you like this idea. Also dont be afraid of asking for any sample or bakes this is what this topic is about! Helping YOU and a lot more to make their content better! Original idea came from Mason Watts -Edy
  4. File Name: Mexico City 2013 File Submitter: Coconutmen File Submitted: 17 Jan 2014 File Category: Tracks Monster of ROR Event 10 of its international tour, hope you guys liek and hope this comes out as a great event! Loved making this track, went to real show Enjoy! Credits: Me Liquidfire Klayton Google Missed someone? Im sorry Click here to download this file
  5. http://www.monsterjam.com/News/2014/01/17/2/ So yeah......
  6. 580 downloads

    Monster of ROR Event 10 of its international tour, hope you guys liek and hope this comes out as a great event! Loved making this track, went to real show Enjoy! Credits: Me Liquidfire Klayton Google Missed someone? Im sorry
  7. Junk junk junk and more junk! Anyways, if someone knows how to make flex bodies or can make a tutorial for it i would be very thankful...i want to make some experiments.... Also tell me ya opinionz Axle is from Klayton, taken from Mopar Magic 2.0, body modeled by Andrew Sheets
  8. Hello everybody! Today some named macolineri1 menssaged me on aim, saying he was Mark Colineri, in first i thougth it was the real Mark, but after some talking i noticed it wasn't him... his actitude was strange...m here's the conversation i had with him: I know Mark, i know he wouldn't ask for stuff, so, if this guy IM's you, its not Mark, just wanted to tell everybody here. I bet is this kid Anthony.. or however his name is.... he is impersonating Mark.
  9. My V4 Updates have been patched! Get em now!! http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1271-edy-beltran-v4-updates/
  10. File Name: Monterrey 2013 File Submitter: Coconutmen File Submitted: 07 Jan 2014 File Category: Tracks Track for Monsters of ROR International Tour, hope you liek it guys! it has very tigth turns so it makes it much better!! Credit: Me Klayton Google Click here to download this file
  11. Edy

    Monterrey 2013


    Track for Monsters of ROR International Tour, hope you liek it guys! it has very tigth turns so it makes it much better!! Credit: Me Klayton Google
  12. Everything looking nice guys!!
  13. if anyone needed something like this Pic is from monsterjam.com
  14. Looks like doomsday isnt the only mysterious truck.... this isn't N.E.A. .....
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