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Everything posted by Edy

  1. Edy

    Food Porn

    Pics aren't from me but oh well, i wanted you guys to see the mexican food! Pozole REAL tacos Torta Ahogada We have a lot of stuff....i specially like food that comes from pig, here we use EVERYTHING of the pig to make food... its skin, meat, eyes, even the blood yeah, we have alot of culinary stuff
  2. Here's Reno 2014, yay..... used alpha splatering for this one.... Opinions...?
  3. This is way sexier than any other thing on this planet
  4. Hello people Gonna be used for ROR-MM, liked how it came out, what do you guys think?
  5. Please explain this to me...
  6. Old school....anyone? Still a W.I.P
  7. File Name: Saigon Shaker File Submitter: Coconutmen File Submitted: 14 Apr 2014 File Category: V4 Replica Well here's the 1st of many uploads Andrew and I will be doing, we have been working on some trucks, and well this was the first to be done. Hope you guys like it! Credits: Skin, UV Mapping, 4 Links - Me Body - Andrew Sheets Prop placement, help - Daniel Donnelly Axle, Knuckle and Split Shield - Crazy Tires - Klayton Rims, Swaybars & Hotfoot - Johan Driveshaft Rotation - Wambo..? Seat- Crazy Any other props - Whoever made them If i forgot anyone please let me know Click here to download this file
  8. Edy

    Saigon Shaker


    Well here's the 1st of many uploads Andrew and I will be doing, we have been working on some trucks, and well this was the first to be done. Hope you guys like it! Credits: Skin, UV Mapping, 4 Links - Me Body - Andrew Sheets Prop placement, help - Daniel Donnelly Axle, Knuckle and Split Shield - Crazy Tires - Klayton Rims, Swaybars & Hotfoot - Johan Driveshaft Rotation - Wambo..? Seat- Crazy Any other props - Whoever made them If i forgot anyone please let me know
  10. Modeled by Andrew Sheets, as always painted by me and UV mapped by Zach Steele, hope to have it done tomorrow, any opinions? And remember if you are avible to help me out with props for it, cloning, painting, etc. etc. its always welcome
  11. Name: Runners Body: Ford F-150 Chassis: Racesource (Wolverine) Paint (images of color/graphics): http://www.monsterjam.com/assets/0/86/884/06259a15-6dba-4e40-923b-aca0246c456d.jpg?version=34 http://www.monsterjamonlinemexico.com/images/gallery/trucks/df_03.png http://www.monsterjam.com/assets/0/86/884/a86b7d6a-56ca-476f-8be9-2b7b278cf41d.jpg?version=34 http://www.monsterjam.com/assets/0/86/884/cdc901e4-99ab-4a5b-858e-1c471ed85541.jpg?version=34 http://www.monsterjam.com/assets/0/86/884/c92b2119-f76b-45cd-a862-e9b48a62a402.jpg?version=34 http://www.monsterjam.com/assets/0/86/884/c34cdf5a-8e19-42bc-b486-ceb9912960c4.jpg?version=34 http://www.cineenlinea.net/especiales/PEGASO%20RAPIDOSFURIOSOS%206_/JPEG/DSC02405.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1.0-9/1620448_618368858250831_175430022_n.png https://scontent-a-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/t1.0-9/1376617_520949837992734_108587040_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1.0-9/1385207_520949657992752_1990306804_n.jpg https://scontent-b-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/t1.0-9/1381859_520943357993382_844010462_n.jpg Other details: Tires: Goodyears (Please use Klayton ones)
  12. I paint, you give your opinions oki doki?
  13. Edy

    Monster Mutt Pauken

    I like it! Sadly we don't have a better body for Mutt
  14. The best truck Andrew Sheets & Edy Beltran have made so far? I dunno, opinions? Any? Hello? Thanks to Zach Steele, beacuse of him, the tounge moves
  15. They already made INB4 some admin blocks this http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1296-new-earth-authority-and-doomsday/
  16. Saigon is almost done, Voth is making the rat on the back for me
  17. Added some new tutrorials if anyone is interested... Hope they are usefull How to add glow to things Glow + Animations
  18. So who's the driver of doomsday?
  19. Annnnnnnnnnnnnd Mulisha took the lead, he did 2 backflips, good, good
  20. John made paint, i just added a bake and a spec map
  21. N.E.A (http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1296-new-earth-authority-and-doomsday/)
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