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Everything posted by Edy

  1. It will be called Northern Nigthmare, that sounds like a name that would make a truck the enemy of whole canada, and it's driver will be a latino driver named Lupe that i don't know why, would be a better driver than someone called "Cam" or something like that...yeah... Opps... Tharindu is mad now lul
  2. Name: Edy Beltran AIM: coconut_men@aim.com Truck: Instigator Nickname: El Charro
  3. Edy "Cute Mexican" Beltran You have my AIM =3 Saigon Shaker (http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1444-saigon-shaker/)
  4. Son Uva Digger Run at salinas, the track looks a lot like last year's .... IMO Also Time Fly's Freestyle
  5. Edy Beltran Saigon Shaker (http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1444-saigon-shaker/) You know it
  6. One thing is the spec code that is used on the material file and other is the managed materials that are used on the .truck file people. By putting the spec code on the material file, it makes a 2 faced body automaticly using the same texture, when using managed materials it DOES NOT. And what Donelly says is correct, since Johan's tutorial is dedicated for users that use the "Managed Materials" (from what i can see) for their trucks,im not very sure and would not like to start a discussion about it, the spec code for that is used on material and causes it to have an inside face with the same paint as i already mentioned, was given by Chris Hamilton when he relased his updates (I think), few of his trucks had it, also i used it for some of my trucks, for example, Zombie. What's the diference between both? I don't really know, but they look pretty similar, but being honest the managed materials give a better look to the truck IN MY OPINION, also i think if DanDon wants to make a tutorial on how to use the material spec code and have a fiverglass face without glichting it's a good idea, but i recomend, IN MY OPINION, that people use managed materials since their way easier and better for a trucks body, i also request that someone please make a tutorial on how make spec maps for the managed materials beacause it would be very usefull for a lot of people. This is just what i know..... DO NOT START A DISCUSSION PLEASE, IT'S NOT REALLY WORTH
  7. Ummm just asking, is MJ using the 2 day format for next year too? or is going to be like any other year just with the 32 truck field? or what?
  8. I can texture it for you, if you want.... i mean im here....
  9. Wub wub wub waaaaaat hu hu wuib wuib
  10. Bad Habit http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/928-bad-habit-2013/
  11. This was my dream since my name was "Wolo".....
  12. Does anyone if Monster Jam is coming to Mexico this year? Anyone? Cmon be good
  13. File Name: Custom New Orleans File Submitter: Coconutmen File Submitted: 28 Apr 2014 File Category: Tracks Gonna be used for ROR MM Credits: Me Klayton Mark Colineri <3 Google MTM2 Missed someone?, Sorry, please say it to me don't just read this, go and tell me Click here to download this file
  14. Version ROR MM


    Gonna be used for ROR MM Credits: Me Klayton Mark Colineri <3 Google MTM2 Missed someone?, Sorry, please say it to me don't just read this, go and tell me
  15. Name: Edy Beltran AIM: coconut_men@aim.com Custom Truck: Trashin Custom Truck Song: Replica Truck: El Diablo 2014 Rank: Rookie Reason: I just want to get ONE opportunity to qualafy into an event! And better! We all know you guys love me alot <3 #HaveWentToAlmostAllMJMexicoShows I like racing on ROR Meet Ryan Anderson before he drove Son-Uva Digger
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