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Everything posted by raptor660f700

  1. im not sure if i have it down or not. could someone please give me a track x?
  2. I just wanna give a HUGE thanks to all of you who have been making these tracks and trucks. Call me a kiss a$$ if ya want but im 28 years old and I have been waiting my whole life to find a monster jam game as close to the real thing as this is. Im terrible with computers so the fact that these trucks and tracks are made as good as they are just amazes me. Iv been playin around on sim monsters for over a year now and dont plan on stoping anytime soon. Its a good way sometimes to pass the time if the old lady is working and theres nothing to do around the house. So once again THANK YOU TRUCK AND TRACK MAKERS. Admins as well for making sure this site runs as smoothly as it does.
  3. thanks alot sim monster. I found more pics. If they would be usefull just let me know. Hopefully someday I can sit down and figure out the whole truck making thing. For now my computer skills are "bad" at best. lol
  4. Body: Old Style Chevy "early to late 80's" Chassie: What ever is under Michigan Ice Monster would be nice Pics: Loved this truck when I was a kid. Not sure if anybody has ever made it but i would be forever in your debt.
  5. i only use a controller. Using mark's xbox setup I dont have a clutch. Thanks for the input everybody I am thinking RKM's method is probably gonna work the best for me although Chris makes a good point as well.
  6. Not sure if this question has been asked before but i was wondering...... is there a way to run second gear and be able to jam on the brakes without the truck stalling?
  7. Never seen him live but I here he is good as well.
  8. I hope this is the right thread. I just wanted peoples opinion on 1 driver in particular that i seen in detriots jan. show. Duhan in Zombie....... I realize its a "feld" truck but my good god was he awful. In racing and freestyle lol!!!!! I look at the "young guns shootout line up" and wonder how in the heck did he get in over some of those drivers? Crustation for example. Every time i see that guy run he runs hard . Great freestyles and he hangs right in there in racing... Opinions anyone?
  9. just a question i know this track is run in - out, wondering if the start line is the last white line. also maybe its just me but are the racing lanes even? seems like the right lane takes longer to run as opposed to the left lane. maybe i just dont know how to run it though
  10. Just for the simple fact of me getting this right....... How are these tracks ran? Is it outside in or inside out? As far as racing is concerned of course. Are they the ran the same or is one different then the other? Thank you.
  11. why does it say sorry you dont have permission for that? wont let me download it
  12. Rock I love this track!!!! Maybe im a complete idiot but could please get a track x. I know maybe im missing something but it would be very greatful
  13. thats what i wanted..... couldnt think of a theme and Jon is just starting out makeing trucks. I have know clue how to. Thanks again Jon (Nitro Psycho)
  14. 1.Walking Dead 2. Any NFL or College football game 3. Anything SHARK WEEK related 4. Monster Jam 5. Two and a half men ( old ones with charlie sheen, ashton kucher is a d-bag) 6. Simpsons 7. Family Guy In that exact order lol, everything else depends on whats on.
  15. https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/223394_6233158245_6849_n.jpg https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/311789_10150359950553246_1246990997_n.jpg https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/222898_5585213245_5152_n.jpg 1st one is me hanging out with a friends snake.... cool little guy 2nd me and my fiance 3rd me playing around at silver lake sand dunes... fun times i tell ya
  16. soooo do you have to redownload it then connor? I actually just bought a new computer and i am haveing problems getting my ror up and running as well.
  17. Hey fellas (and maybe a few ladies not sure though). I am going to best buy in the next few days to buy a new desktop computer and was wondering..... what would be the best setup to run ror? Now keep in mind it cant be an all out gaming computer.... my fiance likes to browse the web for stupid "neat" ideas to make the house "pretty" lol... any help would be great though. Just the simple stuff though I am no computer "guru" if you will. Just figured since i will have to re-download every track and v4 it would be nice for it to run as nice as this computer (my dads) does. Also which version should I download of ror? I currently have the .37 i believe. Thank you.
  18. Im not about to get all bonered up!!! All of you v4 guys worked your a$$es off to make these trucks im sure of it soooo..... when it gets available to public I'll need plenty of energy drinks to keep me awake for my addiction. Until then I would just like to give a big thanks to all the guys who have worked on these trucks... Dealing with whiny, annoying, IMPATIENT children can get pretty annoying im sure of it. Patiently waiting (very excited thought not gonna lie) jussayin.......
  19. If its not SLIPKNOT its these fellas!!!
  20. I most definitely give him credit! Im no monster truck driver (well at least not in real life lol) like I said still pretty bad a$$
  21. Welcome, for me it took awhile to understand how everything works in this game ex. adding trucks, tracks, and joining servers and such. But everyone around here is pretty good at helping you out with any questions soooo as long as its not about v4... I would say feel free to ask.
  22. Oh my gosh I hope not lol........ That was pathetic in comparison to the world record jumps iv seen (bigfoot and bad habit)...... still bad a** though
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