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Everything posted by RKM

  1. RKM

    finishing work

    You don't edit the material file in blender. Open it with notepad.
  2. Heard it will likely run in the states as well, not sure if they will swap the body or not though. It's okay, could have done better with the name logo.
  3. It ended...if you actually read the posts above yours you would have noticed this, I'm not sure if there is going to be a second season just yet as our current focus is primarily replica related.
  4. RKM

    MaxD Body Question

    If you want to change it for something inaccurate then find an older DL for it and don't dl any new packs we release if you don't like our content.
  5. Stop spamming posts to get your count up.
  6. Hasn't been an update in over a month, locked for now, lmroseland PM a moderator if you wish for it to be reopened.
  7. Congratulations! You are the reason this thread is now locked.
  8. It's an Escalade body regardless of what the yearbook tells you...and from what I may or may not know is that it might not be an SUV body.
  9. Blue thunder doesn't have flags because we're still trying to get 2 flags on a truck that don't flop around badly like on air force. Monster mutt does have a tail, if you don't see it then you have the wrong pack. Flexbodies will make the trucks lag a lot more if we did that to the ears/tail.
  10. Couldn't decide which of my saves deserved it.
  11. I'll take a guess that you like Mopar.
  12. RKM


    Not sure if it can be done, your best bet is using a very nice water texture for it.
  13. Amazing race, greatest championship battle in a YEARS!
  14. Name: RKM Truck: Grave Digger AIM: rkmphotog07
  15. Cam's new truck and Aftershock added to Toronto gives you 12 trucks.
  16. No, it's an Expedition which I also made.
  17. Okay...I painted EVERYTHING myself except for the Bounty Hunter name and the diamond plate.
  18. RKM

    BF:BC2 and BF3

    Judging by the section he posted under, PC.
  19. You need to learn how to click post ONE time so I don't have to delete the duplicates...it does get rather annoying when it's always from the same person. _-_
  20. You made this thread obviously for all events next year not just Phoenix which seems to be the only one you care about, also you don't need to drag your post 20 lines down nor do you need to post in all caps.
  21. That's pretty much it, the only thing we'll likely ask is that you use the newer better looking, lower vert and easier to paint bodies.
  22. They're being changed for a reason...V4 pack will out date the previous 3 packs regardless weather you like it or want to support it Our goal is to make everything we possibly can ourselves..
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