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Everything posted by RKM

  1. Thanks guys, Crazy and I were up all night working on something special for you guys. Going to have to wait and see.
  2. It's how we roll, unlike yours...you know what I mean by that. I'll leave you with a teaser of something special...
  3. Going to see a movie so I likely won't be home until the race is over. Sucks, need the points after Dega.
  4. Welcome, nice to see a fellow MTM2er come to RoR! The Evo2 King Kong looks pretty sick too.
  5. Ok half of it is the pic angle the other half is that when crazy built it the back end was made oddly shaped which I've tried my best to fix more to the real truck until I got to the point of not being able to move it any more without messing up the rest of the body. Only way I could fix that is to rebuild the entire shell from about the doors back...which at this point could potentially hold the packs release back a lot farther then it's been held. I fixed it the best I could and if it's not good enough for some of you then that's your problem. Still beats the "Official" games by a ton if you ask me. Each pack will be better then the last, if you're expecting anything to be absolutely perfect as soon as you see it you're only setting yourself up to be disappointed. And before anyone else asks me about damn flags, the ONLY trucks with them will be Diggers! EDIT: One more thing, not one us are getting paid to do this either. We're doing it in our own free time for you guys and there's really only 2-3 of us working on it right now with help at times from others.
  6. Think you'll be lonely on that but if not it's the angle of the pic.
  7. RKM

    fun run

    Thanks for admitting to multiple accounts, have a nice day.
  8. Since I haven't posted anything in-game for awhile now.
  9. Wasn't on last night because I went to bed a bit early after I saw you post saying it was being moved back. I'll vote for the Glen though, sad part is you're going to have a ton of people outside of NR03 voting on this...if we don't already.
  10. Not sure how close you are to Baltimore but http://www.monsterjam.com/Events/2011/07/09/Baltimore,_MD/ might be worth looking into.
  11. Alright sine you guys don't want to read the thread it's getting locked until race day.
  12. RKM

    Darlington epicness

    Regan Smith FTW, bout time the dude got a win just too bad it was completely overshadowed by Busch & Harvick.
  13. My Documents\Rigs of Rods\packs
  14. True, have to start somewhere right? I'm not sure how gabester's feelings are on his stuff being modded for personal use but I myself don't mind but if you want to send it to anyone you better plan on asking me first if you're using my stuff. It does not hurt to send someone a pm before you even start something, it actually might save you from issues later on down the road. I'm not trying to shoot anyone down unless their straight up stealing someones work (models, artwork, etc). So good luck to anyone who reads this, be it just starting or well established and don't be afraid to ask! Just a little edit: I usually just take what you guys show/post the way I see it and I'm not afraid to let them know what I think of it but that doesn't mean I won't give you some ideas or possible suggestions along the way.
  15. I'll break it down for you. Can it be done? Yes. Will it? More then likely, yes. The biggest question though is will everyone (new and old) pay attention and get along to make it a great evening? I'm sure there are many here who would love to run a large event but if it's going to just be an all out brawl in a chat (guilty ) then I highly doubt anyone would want to put in the amount of work and time to make it happen.
  16. Pretty sure from what I see you're taking credit for painting a few edits on a texture and copying the hood of the drag version of the Burnside because that's exactly what it looks like to me.
  17. Nope, packs not gonna be done till we add the other 2.
  18. Bring back? We never had it. If you roll over early you can really only blame yourself.
  19. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind he ruined our best finish and CLOSEST finish of the season...damn shame too. Congrats Roach you drove a good race and weren't the victim of someones stupidity, least I can relate to Jordan now...except I wasn't even close to the lead when it happened.
  20. Yeah, if this thread gets locked there won't be any public forum posts on the new truck pack or any of it's content...which is not something you want to miss out on. We understand some of you guys are new but you need to learn how to search for answers on your own, we're not going to hold your hand and use the darn search function! Top right corner under your login name, can't miss it.
  21. RKM


    Not really, doubt I'm going to run anymore either because I'm tired of getting wrecked straight up by other people and then they want to blame ME for their own screw ups.
  22. She be sittin' pretty now Matt, after it got a few special touch-ups from yours truly. BTW, you're missing the fuel cell texture; I'll see if I can find it sometime this evening.
  23. I don't like either of them with that name.
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