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Casey Graves

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Everything posted by Casey Graves

  1. Fail of the year goes to alextheassasin
  2. Minny will be uploaded on Saturday along with the patch for the pack
  3. Hmm, that's odd, send me a message on aim sometime and i'll send you my track, by chance could you copy the error message that you get and send it to me as well
  4. If the ground is all white then thats fine or can you not even load it up at all
  5. No only the people who qualify for the event participate in the event
  6. Damn thats gonna be a sick show, wish I lived a little bit closer
  7. As long as its a short race i'm fine with it, gotta work in the morning and dont want to be up too late
  8. You have to be one of the fastest 20 times to make the race
  9. I'm not sure as of yet if it is going to be or not if it even does count for points at all, and crazy that is the list of whos locked in for the frist 3 events
  10. They had a custom seat made for him and changed it out before he went out
  11. Here are some videos and pics I took with my phone from there
  12. These are all good questions so thanks for posting them. 1. IF you flip stay rolled over until the other driver has brought his truck to a stop after he finishes 2. Yea you have it right the person who qualified faster or has the lower seed will have lane choice 3. I am not sure as of now, its up to Josh since thats his thing 4. Flags will be given out throughout the whole season, I think I have it so 16 drivers will get them, and they will be given out based on performance from this season, the first handful will be based off last season 5. Points are only used to determine the champions at the end of the season, I'm gonna try and keep the World Finals somewhat seperated from the actual league, the league will just determine who races in the event
  13. Travis you can still race, qualifying opens at 2 but you dont have to qual right at that time, just somewhere inbetween 2-6
  14. The tires will be in an upcoming patch to the pack
  15. Shocker is going to be in the patch that is coming up that will be released on saturday
  16. Well the time has come for the first event of Season 2, all times posted will be in EST. Track will be posted Saturday night. I am starting events earlier than last season just so we can get everything done before midnight if things go wrong. We are planning on livestreaming again like we did for the last 3 races of Season 1. Also we are going to be giving out the first two flags to our World Finals during the drivers meeting. One big change from this season from last is that we are going to be only taking 20 trucks as we felt 24 was too many. Hope to see you guys on Sunday, here is the schedule I will be going off of. 2:00 PM - Qualifying Open 6:00 PM - Qualifying Closes (Please don't wait till the last minute to qualify as it will slow everything down) 6:20 PM - AIM Chat Starts (May not start exactly at this time so dont message me asking when it starts) 6:30 PM - Drivers Meeting (Must be present to race) 6:45 PM - Events Start Racing -Round 1- #1 Excaliber def #20 Son-uva Digger #2 Ironman def #19 Bigfoot Bad Boy #10 Grave Digger def #11 Lucas Oil Stabilizer #9 Lucas Oil Crusader def #12 106.7 The Fox #4 Jurassic Attack def #17 Michigan Ice Monster #3 Sudden Impact def #18 Gunslinger #14 Bigfoot def #7 TMNT #8 Air Force def #13 Avenger #15 Blue Thunder def #6 Maximum Destruction #5 Equalizer def #16 Madusa -Round 2- #10 Grave Digger def #1 Excaliber #9 Lucas Oil Crusader def #2 Ironman #4 Jurassic Attack def #14 Bigfoot #3 Sudden Impact def #8 Air Force #15 Blue Thunder def #5 Equalizer -Round 3- #8 Air Force (FL) def #10 Grave Digger #3 Sudden Impact def #9 Lucas Oil Crusader #15 Blue Thunder def #4 Jurassic Attack -Semi-Final- #4 Jurassic Attack (FL) def #8 Air Force #3 Sudden Impact def #15 Blue Thunder -Final- #3 Sudden Impact def #4 Jurassic Attack Freestyle Ironman - 26 + 3 = 29 Avenger - 24 + 4 = 28 Equalizer - 27 + 1 = 28 Son-uva Digger - 27 + 1 = 28 Maximum Destruction - 27 Bounty Hunter - 27 Bigfoot Bad Boy - 24 + 3 = 27 Blue Thunder - 22 + 3 = 25 Sudden Impact - 23 + 2 = 25 106.7 The Fox - 24 + 1 = 25 Gunslinger - 24 Bigfoot - 22 + 2 = 24 Grave Digger - 20 Lucas Oil Stabilizer - 19 Jurassic Attack - 18 Air Force - 15 Excaliber - 14 Michigan Ice Monster - 10 Lucas Oil Crusader - 9 Madusa - 9
  17. Rules: 1. Pay attention to officials throughout the entire event in AIM chat and especially ingame 2. RII's will be called on any flip, wall bump, hard hit or unrealistic hit, depending on the officials discretion you may be able to continue. Failure to RII will result in penalization in score and possible suspension from the league 3. Freestyles must be realistic to a point, as in if you feel that a move wouldn't really happen in real life then it probably wont be allowed in RoR, moves that Officials deem too unrealistic will result in a point deduction. 4. In racing and qualifying you have 1 min and 30 seconds to get in game, the only exception is if you are having a problem with your game, during qualifying we may be backed up and when you ask to qual you may not be able to go right then, if you are going to step away from your computer please make sure I know so I don't call you in and wait for you. 5. All officials decisions are final, arguing is not going to get you anywhere. We had alot of problems with this last season with people arguing that they beat someone even though RoR shows the person you are racing about a second behind on your screen. 6. If you flip your truck at any point in the racing portion of the event be it during or after the race then you will be done for the racing portion of the event. 7. After your race is complete do not go into a freestyle or anything unless you are the winner of the final round 8. Also after the race please shut your truck off before you leave because if you don't it will leave an engine sound for everyone in game, it really isn't appreciated when this happens "Locked-In Procedure": Replica - Any driver inside the Top 12 in points from last season is locked into the first 3 weeks of racing, after the 3rd race any driver inside the Top 12 in points before that race will be locked in. Custom - This will use the same procedure as the Replica series but the first 2 races will not have any drivers locked in, and after the 2nd race we will use the Top 12 in points as the locked in drivers. Format: Qualifying - To Qualify you will need to send an AIM message to whoever is doing qualifying, The person running qual will post their AIM name in the race thread. The Top 20 (Including drivers locked into the field) will move into that nights events. If someone cannot race for whatever reason the next fastest driver outside of the field will take their spot. Drivers Meeting/AIM Chat - This is mandatory for all drivers competing in that nights events, If you miss the drivers meeting you will not race unless you get in touch with me before the race. Racing - Drivers will be called into the game through AIM Chat. The person who qualified lower has lane choice unless they came back as a fast loser. When you get all lined up you will post "rdy" in chat, and once both drivers are readied an official will post "GO" in chat. The winning drivers truck name will be posted in chat, then both drivers will shut off their engines and exit. Freestyle - 1 min 30 second runs with a 30 second bonus time, regulation is a maximum of 30 with an extra 5 points available in bonus time Points Structure: -Racing- Finals Win - 30 Finals Loss - 25 Semi-Finals Loss - 20 Round 3 Loss - 15 Round 2 Loss - 10 Round 1 Loss - 5 Fast Qualifier - 5 Bonus Pts -Freestyle- Regulation - Scores out of 30 Bonus - Score out of 5
  18. http://sourceforge.net/projects/rigsofrods/files/rigsofrods/0.37/RoR-0.37.126-Setup.exe/download
  19. That was a really stupid pass that early in the race, anyways idk why there wasnt any fencing or protection in that area covering the photographers someone could have been killed by debris
  20. Yea RKM is right, last season we had all the bigfoots open and it caused alot of confusion, so I decided to just limit it to only a few of them this season
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