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Everything posted by Metallica530

  1. Ran an 1:10 plus a 10 second penalty. Not bad in my opinion!
  2. I sure hope he gets to me soon. I sent him a message over 20 minutes ago and qualings almost over. Longer I wait, the more nervous I get! *Heavy Breathing*
  3. Gonna be tough. I ain't out to win but, hey, if I get in, then woohoo!
  4. Jeeeeez, some of you are more excited than a monkey on Monster Energy... calm down and just be patient.
  5. Not sure if its still open or not, or if I can make it, but what the heck. Name: Mike Russell AIM: mike437@comcast.net Truck: War Wagon It would be an honer for me to run with you guys.
  6. Sorry, just noticed a typo. Ment to type shouldn't. So yeah...
  7. And, if you think about it, its only like 4 months left 'till World Finals 14. Case in point, should be a long wait.
  8. Sound's great! I've always wanted to run with you guys ever since I started watching the series on YouTube. Looks like I might get that chance!
  9. I wouldn't say you are, i'd say I am, I can't even work Blender or anything like that, so just sayin' this, if anyone would mind helping me out with a truck in the near future, I would appreciate it.
  10. So Casey, Can we try Gymkhana in it? Hmm...Gymkhana with monster trucks...what could go wrong?
  11. Might just be from the angle of the pic, but I think the windows look a little big, at least in my opinion. I don't know maybe just coming down to far? Nut sure, but it look great, non the less!
  12. Finally got an AIM account. Now i'm ready to roll for SM events and fun runs!

  13. If only we had the other Team Hot Wheels vehicles for this. Epic none the less!!!
  14. MJFanatic, that was simply a work of art. I'm just speechless.
  15. So, RockCrwlr, what are the differences with the 2 tires? From what the pics look like, seems to me like they have more of a contact area with the ground.
  16. Hmm... Profile pic of Rainbow Dash and using the words "Deal With It" in the comment. I see where this is going. (Could help but point that out. Oh the irony.)
  17. I think the playground is a great idea! Now all we need is the other Team Hot Wheels vehicles and I'm happy! TROPHY TRUCK LOOP-DA-LOOP HERE I COME!
  18. YES! Finally someone puts that on the Metal Mulisha roof!
  19. Personally, I don't like the black El Toro in general. Flames on top of a Black Base Paint. Seen it WAY to many times.
  20. The freestyle track looks a little bare to me. Just seams like there isn't a lot to hit. Still looks pretty good though.
  21. Running around, not caring what he does, causing complete chaos. That sort of thing.
  22. I call dibs on smashing his computer with a baseball bat. The kid crashed my server twice while we where trying to run an event. How you ask? By leaving his truck on and running amok while we where trying to race and FS. No respect these days...
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