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Everything posted by Metallica530

  1. RIP Josh Rhodes, who committed suicide from the highest point in El Paso following his freestyle run. You will be missed.
  2. I just thought of something. It may have been the Predator truck, or one of Team Scream's trucks, but I vaguely remember someone running their front tires backwards. I haven't see anyone run like that on here.
  3. Oh well, no problem Rock, i'm sure i'll find a way around it.
  4. I don't have a pic of it, but I did make a car to sponcer Sim-Monsters! (You can thank me later.)
  5. World Finals 2! Alright! Can't wait! Can't wait! Can't wait!
  6. If I may ask a simple favor for all you fellas uploading tracks and such, please try and keep the downloads off of that mediafire site, as I have been having a hard time with that site in the past few months. If ya can't, that's plenty alright, but please just keep this in the back of your mind. Thanks!
  7. Well in that case, let me know when you start a new season. I'd be happy to run with ya guys.
  8. Well that stinks. Was really looking to get into season 3. Always wanted to run in one of 'em ever since I watched the first episode I saw on YouTube. Ah well, I think I could get into outlaws or something, and plus, I still have the special events to run in!
  9. I had fun through the whole thing. Only thing I didn't like was Matt didn't do "the voice."
  10. We must all now bow down to the mighty RockCwrlr. Looks great Rock!
  11. If you guys want any ideas for new custom trucks, hit me up! I got everything from classic cars to taxi cabs!

  12. Name: Rush Hour Body: Crown Vic Taxi Cab Chassis: Wilman Side Notes: This was a custom I came up with a few months ago but never really did anything with. It's basically just a random design I came up with. With that being said, do whatever ya want with it. I probably ain't gonna do anything with it, so I might as well turn it over to you guys and your imaginations. As far as paint goes, yellow beadlocks the same color as the body should work. Again, this is basically just a random truck, so, I leave you with a NASCAR term: "Have at it boys!" Ah almost forgot, If it's possible, I'd like to have the physics for Metal Mulisha run on this thing too. And yes, if I decide to run AME 3, i'd like to run this by then.
  13. Great event guys. Didn't make it past qualifying, so I decided to tune in for the livestream. You know for sure, I'll be trying to get into AME 3!
  14. Tunin' in for the livestream since I missed out on the event. Looks pretty good guys. GO MARK COLINARI!
  15. I might be able to do that. Danny, you have restored hope in me.
  16. Same here, this was my first try at an official event. Perhaps I'll find a smaller tour or get a bit more seat time. Thanks to Eric and Josh for putting this up this year and letting all of us run in it. It was a blast even though I didn't make it.
  17. Blast! Missed Fall Madness by one spot! Ah well, next time.

  18. Aw-haw man! Missed it by one spot! Dangit! Well, best of luck to everyone.
  19. I believe we have reached the end of qualifying, and I couldn't have hung on much closer.
  20. Your still in dude, 2nd to last from the feild, but hey, your still in.
  21. Uh-oh. Getting pretty low on the list. C'mon, just a few more!
  22. Allow me to just say this now: Longest TEN MINUTES OF MY FREAKING LIFE!!!!!
  23. You're pretty much locked in though. Me, i'm sweating like a dog over here! C'mon 1:10, hold firm!
  24. Dang, sounds like you where haulin' the mail!
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