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Mark Colineri

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Everything posted by Mark Colineri

  1. I quite liked here as well. A few people thought she was let go due to being replaced in one or more of the foreign shows by Brianna Mahon, but probably not since as you said she is still posting about Scooby Doo. Also, there may also be 2 Madusa's this year, Madusa in the pink one and Brianna in the classis Red, White and Blue. Madusa may be leaving after this year due to her being upset about injuries she sustained at one of the shows this year.
  2. *Disclaimer: This is all hear-say and not necessarily completely true, just passing information* I heard a few things regarding drivers. Colton and Morgan may possibly be switching, which makes sense, since Colton is Meents' step-son and Morgan has been long time friends with the Anderson's anyway. Apparently Bailey Shea got fired? Ryan Anderson apparently posted on his private Facebook page that he now has a family to take care of (another child on the way I think) and he is basically done right now. As for the BKT situation, I heard the same thing as Kozak, that there just aren't enough tires to go around and not enough time to make the amount required. There is only 1 mold for them. I know the company that made the Ukraine tires folded, and BKT was possibly looking into buying their molds. There may also be 2 stadium tours this year, like the FS1 Championship Series, on the East and West coast.
  3. No, the Adder is just the Veyron. This is a completely new design.
  4. Ahhh the RoRMJ days. I remember my first ever event I competed in, I was driving El Matedor at Pittsburgh. I managed to be the fastest qualifier, made it to round 2, and did really well in freestyle. I guess that was foreshadowing to the future
  5. Minor thing I noticed. On the main page, it shows who made the latest post in a given section. The post I had made got removed from the SYP thread due to it being connected to the Frank Collins drama, but it still shows as if I still made the latest post.
  6. I have noticed that anyone who had the ability to moderate really anything can't do that anymore. I am sure you noticed it and are fixing it. Just in case you didn't, now you know.
  7. There are quite a few people who didn't find rutgate funny, at all. Do you actually even have proof he hacked other than just you making people believe that he did? Chadwick "decided" you weren't welcome because when you subbed for a driver in Season 1, you drove the truck full speed into a wall. Some of the other things you and your group find humorous, others trying to run a successful event find disruptive and rude. We can, and are allowed to, have our differing opinions on how we feel about a consistently disruptive group of members. Just because we watch youtube videos makes us immature? Okay. There are more details to basically every point you brought up that you left out, most likely on purpose, to seem more correct. Most of the stuff you guys did that you found funny, most of us in the group you like to refer to, didn't. You used to act completely differently, and I don't see how you slid from one end of the scale to the complete other end so quickly. I can feel however I want to about the situation, as can anyone else. I don't like the things your group finds funny/amusing. I don't like the fake personalities you portray during your time here. I don't actually know you so I don't dislike you as a person, just the way you act once you bring yourself to the online side of your life. You and your friends feel about me however you want, in the same way that our views of your actions are quite different than yours.
  8. Mark Colineri

    Let's Talk

    Or maybe because Kozak isn't/hasn't been around to find out what happened? How do you know that Johan won't be banned from other leagues, or have a vacation from the site? You are jumping to conclusions literally less that 24 hours after said event. If you don't care, then why the need to make a public thread to address the matter? Why not just go to Kozak himself and cry to him?
  9. Because Danny wanted a Purple scheme to run for the SSRS Play-Off's. I waited until the day of to see if Fern was releasing his Digger 25 with the Purple scheme I made for him, but he didn't. So, I just made the Purple scheme for 27 and Danny ran that. It wasn't made because that's what the truck ran, it was made as a last minute thing so Danny had a Purple scheme to run.
  10. Taking the verts of the body near the skull on the texture and moving them out doesn't make it a 3D skull. It just means you stretched the side of the body. No, it doesn't really give it the effect, it looks like you rushed and didn't want to come up with any other way, like actually making one.
  11. River Rat was looking really good, and you should still finish it, but it doesn't look like the truck will be running anymore.
  12. I would like to do Power Wheels, but that will be more of an intensive paint I will need more than an hour to do. Both the Lucas Oil scheme and the Race Stripe scheme I was able to bang out in right around an hour.
  13. The current Bigfoot Race Stripe scheme bothered me along with some other people. The stripes on the original truck were not the same size throughout the whole scheme, and there was more on the hood/roof. So, I fixed those errors to make a slightly custom, but in my opinion, more correct Bigfoot Race Stripe scheme on the current body.
  14. That is 100% the wrong mindset to have. Just because your has more detail and you spent more time doesn't automatically make your better. Multiple people can work on multiple trucks, and if they want to release the same one, then the community will decide which one they want. He is new, but he did a great job. It is quite rude of you to say yours is flat out better because you have a few more objects on yours?
  15. Man, where do I start? I guess I'll just start by showing some of my personal progression, it's quite astonishing when I go back and look at it. These are some of my earliest tracks. The first being completely made in Toolkit. Very terrible, but it got me started. After about 9 months of practice, I had progressed to this stage. This is the first track I ever released on this site. This was the first track I ever got in-game from Blender. Jumping to now, these are some of my latest tracks. Quite a big difference, as you can see. I also did a bit of truck work back then too. This is the first real truck I can ever remember finishing and competing in; I actually got my first solo win in it. These are the first trucks I made for V4. Jumping to now, the change in quality is quite astonishing now that I look back. Basically, this is a very round-about way of me saying that this all takes time. It has taken all of us who you see making what the community considers great content years of trial and error, failing, scrapping projects, and just overall improvement to get where we are. If you want to start creating content, don't expect it to be perfect the first time. Not only do people who want to begin creating content have to keep that in mind, but the community does as well. Not everyone can make their first truck like Johan. We all started somewhere, so be more understanding of the fact that some people just starting out now will be a little behind the curve on quality until they improve. Don't be afraid to start making something! Importing a chassis and body into blender is how we all started! Find a simple paint scheme and try to recreate it without just copy and pasting a photo of the truck. There are plenty of people here who are willing to help you get started. I, for one, really try to help those who come to me on AIM asking for help as long as I have the time. There are a bunch of others who are the same as me. Don't be afraid to ask questions. We are the reason people are afraid to post a new project they are working on, because they see that unless it is perfect, people don't give it or the creator the credit they deserve for just simply trying. Don't ever be afraid to show us what you are working on, most of us are willing to give constructive criticism! As long as members of the community are willing to learn, we will be willing to help!
  16. I think the last time it ran a Monster Jam show was in 2011. Not sure if the wheel tethers were implemented then or not.
  17. Please show us proof as to how you know this? Did you personally watch someone else paint it? I heard he sent you all the files and you logged off as soon as they finished sending. Stop making empty remarks towards other people trying to establish themselves as content creators on this site. Comments like that are the reason we have so few of them. Don't be part of the problem, help be part of the solution.
  18. He always has really, as do I. First thing I used and that's what I learned on. Chadwick uses that exclusively as well.
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