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Mark Colineri

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Everything posted by Mark Colineri

  1. I'm just curious. I haven't been able to run really all season and probably won't even if I do make it to the Play-Off's...but why are 3 events being ran in 1 weekend?
  2. Well, there are more people working on it than just me, but not many. We are all nearly 18 and have jobs. I for one work 5 days a week at night, so time is pretty scarce. I work on it when I have time.
  3. Would love to know where you got that information seeing as I am the one who had the idea for this project.
  4. May I suggest opening chat a little more than 5 minute before you plan on starting? Expecting everyone to be in the chat is a bit unrealistic.
  5. Give the ramps some curves. 1-faced ramps that have no curve handle really poorly and just don't work well.
  6. Fairly sure he is retiring. He is selling the naming rights to Tropical Thunder but not The Patriot if what I am reading is correct. http://www.racingjunk.com/Monster-Truck/182524999/monster-truck-race-team.html
  7. These are all done by me. Excaliber logo minus the text. http://puu.sh/j2QRA/4950ed2373.png Rat Attack http://puu.sh/j2QZD/c6139303f6.png Mr. Twister http://puu.sh/j2R80/7bad9cc7b1.png
  8. How do you know this? All I have seen you do is tell someone they don't know what they are doing. He seems like he has everything set up fine to me, which is why I actually signed up to run.
  9. They are exactly the same as the ones he has had for most of the season...he just painted the letters red.
  10. Dominic, if you are going to make multiple posts in a row, can you please just edit and add to your most recent post? I have already had to combine 3 of your posts into 1.
  11. Just some classic-looking shots with some fairly heavily modified leafers we were testing a little bit ago.
  12. Arlington looks awesome Aaron, awesome job on it. Wow, lot of A's there. USA-1 is looking slick too.
  13. Please, use a different shock model, I beg you.
  14. Nice to see you getting back into things Robbie.
  15. Both the Regular and the FPS zips seem to have been corrupted Danny.
  16. Yeah, they are still planned to be finished, just have found it hard to make time with work and everything else to sit down and work. By all means, they have not been pushed off to the side.
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