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Mark Colineri

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Everything posted by Mark Colineri

  1. That has got to be the funniest thing I have seen on here in awhile. Haven't laughed that hard in years. Posts of the year, calling it right now.
  2. I still fail to see what is wrong.
  3. Wherever you heard it from, it isn't true.
  4. Would you please like to explain how he stole it? We have been through this already. Anything is fair game for someone to make, just because you made one doesn't mean someone else can't.
  5. Budget for Team RPM is up to date after Week 10: https://docs.google....drive_web#gid=0
  6. Thanks so much everyone for the kind words! I had a great time this season, not only competing, but helping Dan run the series. My goal this season was to go out there and do the best I could, and I think I achieved that. Thank You Dan for putting on this awesome series! This season so far was an absolute blast, and I cannot wait for future endeavors from this series as a whole. Also, Thank You to everyone who not only stepped up to help me out in the events I ran, but to anyone and everyone who helped out with the series at any point in the season. This has been the best series I have been apart of in a very long time. We still have some big things planned, so don't think SMRA will be going away anytime soon. Best of luck to all of you in the World Finals, it is sure to be a good one! Truck: Working Class Theme Song: Lynyrd Skynyrd - Workin'
  7. Looks like it was taken down for some reason.
  8. Super early stages, but who remembers this old gem?
  9. This could get very interesting. Expect to see this in something special very soon, stay tuned for an announcement coming in the next few weeks.
  10. Budget for Team RPM is up to date after Week 9: https://docs.google....drive_web#gid=0
  11. Damn, I was hoping you still had it. I need a good looking body to be able to correctly replicate Bigfoot 19 for SSRS.
  12. Well, it's a start. This will also include the PEI/CRD Hybrid chassis that I showed off months ago.
  13. Budget for Team RPM is up to date after Week 8: https://docs.google....drive_web#gid=0
  14. Mark Colineri MAColineri Wicked Willys 2.0 http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1465-wicked-willys-20/
  15. Hell yeah Kozak! Absolutely well deserved!
  16. Name: Mark Colineri AIM: MAColineri Custom Truck: Wicked Willys 2.0 (http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1465-wicked-willys-20/) Custom Truck Song: Heartache Tonight - Eagles (http://grooveshark.com/#!/s/Heartache+Tonight/4hWaX7?src=5) Replica Truck: Bigfoot 18/19 Rank: Platinum Reason: MROR: International Tour and SSRS Season 1 Overall and Racing Points Champion Sim-Monsters Custom Series Season Finale Freestyle Champion Multiple Time SSRS Season 1 Play-Off Winner 52 League Event Wins
  17. 501 downloads

    It seemed that a few people liked the original idea of this truck, but it was quite a bit outdated. So, I decided to give it a make-over. From top to bottom, a new body, chassis, motor, the whole nine yards. The design is simple, yet the simplicity is what makes the truck cool. This truck will be open to anyone to drive so long as I do not sign up with it. If you plan on wanting to run it for a league, just check with me to see if I had planned on running it or not. For single events, no need to ask me, just go for it. Two mirrors are included for this truck. The first, which should be "WickedWillys2" is the truck with the normal Ukraine Tire texture. The second, which should be "WickedWillys2UKTireUpdate" is the truck with the Ukraine Tire texture pictured above. Download either one you want, but just note, if you download the texture update, it will overwrite the texture already included with the pack. Credits Cab/Original UKTire Texture/Cyclone Gearbox: Klayton Bed: Chris Hamilton ISP Seat: Crazy Paint/Body Editing: Me Chassis: Kozak Everything Else: V4 Pack Creators If I missed anyone, I apologize. Please let me know so I can add you to the credits.
  18. File Name: Wicked Willys 2.0 File Submitter: Mark Colineri File Submitted: 26 Apr 2014 File Category: V4 Customs It seemed that a few people liked the original idea of this truck, but it was quite a bit outdated. So, I decided to give it a make-over. From top to bottom, a new body, chassis, motor, the whole nine yards. The design is simple, yet the simplicity is what makes the truck cool. This truck will be open to anyone to drive so long as I do not sign up with it. If you plan on wanting to run it for a league, just check with me to see if I had planned on running it or not. For single events, no need to ask me, just go for it. Two mirrors are included for this truck. The first, which should be "WickedWillys2" is the truck with the normal Ukraine Tire texture. The second, which should be "WickedWillys2UKTireUpdate" is the truck with the Ukraine Tire texture pictured above. Download either one you want, but just note, if you download the texture update, it will overwrite the texture already included with the pack. Credits Cab/Original UKTire Texture/Cyclone Gearbox: Klayton Bed: Chris Hamilton ISP Seat: Crazy Paint/Body Editing: Me Chassis: Kozak Everything Else: V4 Pack Creators If I missed anyone, I apologize. Please let me know so I can add you to the credits. Click here to download this file
  19. Last I heard, Barthel was caught robbing parts.
  20. I personally like to use the two far right red buttons on the shifter housing. I use the shifter for it's obvious job, so having the rear steering right there is more comfortable for me. I never have 2 hands on the wheel, my left does the steering and my right is always on the shifter/shifter housing. But, as said before, there is no "best" way to set this up. Whatever is most comfortable for you and what is easiest to handle while driving is what you should go with. We can only share our personal experiences with how we have our buttons mapped.
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