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Everything posted by mdemko

  1. What does pot have to do with anything in the thread or with what I posted? GTFO. Can't wait to see your trucks DDT EDIT: Just made a quick $200on the RS3 and MT. not a bad deal considering they were 11 years old and their "gentally" used condition.
  2. The tanks were empty. Never store a car with fuel in it.
  3. I do remember replacing the engine in the the MT with an OSperformance engine. Ran it twice or so and then storage. The RS3 is beat to hell but ran after replacing servo batteries and a fresh tank of nitro. Bought them in 5th or 6th grade about 11 years ago. Was too young to take care of them and lost intrest. So into storage they went. For 9 or 10 years.
  4. Kozak was working on 8 with the normal gas shock setup that Bigfoot switched to. Dont know if he still has the models lying around or not.
  5. cant believe after 11 years...they still have compression... Both are HPI's. Although I dont remember what models they are. Both are for sale as well.
  6. Like I said before...Better be a blacksmith in a dumpster in the FS version . Looks fantastic Worldfinals. You are living up to your name
  7. Yeah I still got a problem with you. You want to jump into conversations and call people a sexist pig? I'll copy and paste all your nice little post over on RoR outlaws. Lets let the fine patron's of this site judge who is a pig. After people read what you posted over there, they may just form a lynching mob. You haven't contributed a single thing to this site since you returned. A few dozen spam post to try and up your reputation and that's about it.
  8. Harlow... That's because the super glued ripped bed sheets to it lol.
  9. I lol at all the but hurt my comment made... Just to clarify this... I never said anything about getting back in the kitchen. Robbie commented how the female enduro cross riders where the "best in the world" With obvious sarcasim. I stated an opinion aimed a them not being the best in the world. Simple as that. I did not say that they were inferior to men, and I challenge any of you to find the comment were I said it. MonsterRig was the one that jumped to conclusions in the first place. If I wanted to make a sexist stereotype, I would have posted something a lot more radical then laundry and cooking. And wolfson, you have no room to talk about people on this site being a "pig" based on your past actions. You have improved. I will give you that. But if you want to start calling people sexist pigs without any justification, I will make your day very unpleasant.
  10. this generation sucks And i shall comment on how fat and ugly you are. (Whether it's true or not). Also...I like how the ONE female on the site doesnt get offended, but some random dude does....
  11. Funny, I extract all to my desktop then drag and drop the v4 folder into vehicles. Works for me. Do you have any other packs such as V3 in your folders?
  12. mdemko

    CFMTS is back!

    Besides... If John wine would have looked back at the discussion thread where he originally asked this question on jan 06, he would have seen that I already answered it. Kids these days...
  13. Thats too much travel lol All this talk about cantilevers is giving me a lever
  14. Madusa is a man, so he shouldn't be in the list...
  15. Get me a picture of the side of the chassis and ill come up with something unique. Can't really make anything for you in blender, but I'll design something that fits with the theme of the truck.
  16. Alright. I wasn't sure if you we're using the shock as a mock up push rod or not. If you want some help designing the real deal, let me know. Suspension is kind of my specialty...
  17. Just throwing this out there Harlow... That cantilever setup would never work IRL. The shock needs to be mounted to the chassis and to the lever arm.
  18. So now bands will be outsourced to robots....GREAT......
  19. I think the old Wild Thang cranium body would have been better...
  20. Same could be said for you. Why do you bother posting your projects Harlow? You never release them. You also tend to invert your opinion wether people want it or not.
  21. I dont know...MJKproductions is doing a pretty good job at it...
  22. It was an mtm2 league way back when... now its a ROR league...
  23. More Primus? MOAR PRIMUS!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppeoDZviTHY MODS....I appologize for the 3 seperate posts. I tried putting all 3 links into one post, but the links wouldnt work. MODS....I appologize for the 3 seperate posts. I tried putting all 3 links into one post, but the links wouldnt work.
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