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Everything posted by Hornetguy97

  1. racing of daviess county fair custom. not much. just a straight line, there will be more added to the track though, and a lot more for freestyle. not sure if im doing any of this stuff right, some tips would be nice, i have some questions aswell.
  2. Since some of us are upset about fan judging, who should be leading in both series?
  3. Why not both http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/244/457/793.gif
  4. I do like the more monster jam idea aswell, does feld know we exist? I thought adam anderson had an account?
  5. ctrl+d wont let me duplicate it? so you cant duplicate it? so i have two make another? BECAUSE ITS SHIFT D! how do i make meshes sperate, like layers?
  6. Im guessing the tracks are very painful for the drivers and the trucks, it does seem like it.
  7. Im deleting it and starting over, i think i messed up everything when trying to texture. No one is helping me. The center stack with me a step up double.
  8. we have always seen moves like this. just not in one week. "its not always about power"- James May "yes it is"- Jezza "oh shutup you oaf"- James May its luck to mainly, lupes, if that dirt had been any looser, i dont think he could have pulled it out.
  9. uhh yea, still figureing out blender, i have a thread in the help and support if nice people would help. do you guys like it so far?
  10. i keep posting because it keeps it updated, im not gonna edit my post. i want people to know im still here needing help. am i doing this right? I guess I couldn't make a face on the sides because they aren't equal? I'm gonna delete the center and make a simple step up until I get better with it. Question, if I go to textured mode and it's pink, does that mean it will use the textures that it already had and I don't have to retexture it?? What if I repaint the png? I did something eight the texturing and it gave everything the same texture. So the bus was dirt colord and the the grand stands had the map on them aswell. So I'm just gonna delete this file and start over.
  11. so many questions, do i need meshes on the stacks? how to texture a face?
  12. all these beautiful tracks tracks and i have this, no idea how to texture or nothing.
  13. True, but saves should be allowed, but recoveries like ryans last year should not. Why dont you guys use breakables in online anyway?
  14. Watching dustin browns crash in st louis, could have been bad witht he car going through the windshield
  15. Its probably not out, be patient. It may be months for anything to be released
  16. is there a way to lock meshes so they dont move, Also, should cars be raised with a mesh underneath them? Or is ok for them to be touching the track. do i need meshes for a van stack or can i just put car van car and go on?
  17. since this my first attempt at a track, its going to be a straight line drag, very short, but the a very large freestlye course. any ideas are welcome. i am very new to blender so i dont know how to do diddly.
  18. thank you very much, ill watch rocks track basics for now. also, is there a better way yo move the camera than just the MMB. because its anoying, can i pan around the meshs? like in ror using the number buttons?
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