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Everything posted by Hornetguy97

  1. puppybowl>superbowl. dwarf goat cheerleaders, thats just plain sexy. dwarf goats>katy perry
  2. It seems like a yearly thing. The same over and over again. Feld has some good ideas and then has even worse ideas. I really don't understand it anymore. I'm surprised they haven't messed up supercross as well. I really don't understand what they are thinking... Minus the fact they are a circus company and monster jam is a circus now. It really saddens me. I am so confused with 1-24 anaheim this year, how many trucks freestyled and what order did they go in?
  3. True, true. Any vids of schroaders crash and some runs from phoenix or anaheim.
  4. Orlando just looks so weird now. Backflip ramp looks to close.
  5. everyone is making beautiful stuff and i just now got ogre mesh importer to work. #fartherbehindthaninternetexplorer
  6. Am i the only one who likes jersey style? Should have stuck with st. Louis style.
  7. Knowledge is key! But what is point of 3 if never used?
  8. So they mainly drive in second in larger stadiums and first in arenas? Or do they reconfigure the trans. I'm not a car person
  9. So I noticed around here people saying they stay in first gear a lot. But on all the onboard I watch, they shift up? So is it a 2 speed semi-automatic? What is the shifter set up like? Is it like a car or the ROR HUD? Hopefully someone could help, it's got my head In a whirl.
  10. San Diego, loved the atmosphere. It's on of my favorite fields. Good racing and I can watch norm take out the inflatable all day. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tbnmLZuBFxw
  11. I use version 37.126, on windows 7. The way i have everything setup is the smv4 is extracted into the vehicles folder. (Monsters are the only vehicles i have). What brakables pack are you using?
  12. Is that even allowe to be used? I don't see any drive shaft loops.
  13. OMG YES. A lot more work and it would 100/10 best truck ever
  14. I think the digger looks nice, still waiting for a front engine digger though. That would be sweetness.
  15. I honestly dont know then. Sorry, try the ror forums.
  16. From the application launch itself. It's what I use.but I use .126, I assume you use .117
  17. This may sound dumb, but you did click save and play or save and exit right? Lol
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