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Everything posted by Helvigster

  1. Before I got into ROR, I did Monster Jam on Roblox, and uhh... Roblox Monster Jam isn't as good as it was before.
  2. Uh, that's never happened to me... maybe restart. I'm not sure.
  3. dtrix85. He stopped makin' them. I dunno why. Hope he starts making them again. I loved the 2009 season and I'd love to watch it again.
  4. I guess it doesn't exist on my cable or in my province...
  5. Minor issue, when I drive BuckedUp, the steering is very hectic. Usually when I make a turn, the truck will usually flip over.
  6. Kinda sucks how you can't watch it in Canada no more...
  7. And make sure to hit save, select All Files from the drop down menu, and save it as what it was before, for example bountyhunter.truck
  8. Open the .truck file using notepad, and find these lines soundsources 98, GraveDiggerEngine 98, GraveDiggerStarter Once you find those, head into one of the edited files and find a sound. For example, one file may have this soundsources 98, Zoomies 98, MonsterStarter 98, Monsterreverse Copy that, then head back into the .truck file you were editing, and replace the GraveDiggerEngine and GraveDiggerStarter with whatever sounds you wanted . Don't copy soundsources, they should already be in that .truck file. Hope this helps.
  9. My changes still didn't save... any other help or am I screwed?
  10. Did you edit the sounds in the .truck file correctly?
  11. I'm usin' notepad. Ty @MJFAN I'll try it.
  12. If I was to save my .truck file, I would have both a .txt and a .truck, and I really don't know what to do. I don't wanna delete the .truck file because I won't be able to spawn that truck in game.
  13. Is it really supposed to be saved as a .txt? 'Cause whenever I were to save it as a .txt, the original .truck file stays... basically, it duplicates. Sorry if I'm confusin' ya'll, it's just that whenever I save it as a .txt, my edits don't show up in game.
  14. That's the problem. Whenever I click the drop down menu on the new window I get, the only options I get are a .txt or All Files. This is a problem. I've seen people on YouTube click Save and no problem.
  15. Sorry for posting three in a row, but there's no option to overwrite the file, 'cause if I do, I can't load the truck. Or maybe I'm bein' stupid again. I dunno.
  16. Plus I don't wanna delete the .truck file, right?
  17. That sounds like a good suggestion, only problem is, is that I'm not editing a truck in the V4 pack.
  18. How's it goin', boys. Welp, title says it all - whenever I edit a .truck file and I save it, it'll ask me to save it as a .txt document. If I do, when I go into the game, anything that I edited doesn't change and the truck is back to what it was before. Uh, everything is extracted into my V4 folder, so I don't know if I'm stupid or if I'm just missin' somethin'. Any help would be appreciated, boys.
  19. Ouy, boys. So, earlier today I was going to go on the website, when out of the blue, I received a message that said "This community is temporarily unavailable." It fixed itself after, but, I gotta ask the question: What happened to the site?
  20. Oh yeah, how's it goin' sonuvadigger. I was on that .38 server where we all did minis. I was Trevor Hellings.
  21. Welp, that's a shame. Does getting into a league in .37 require making your own truck? I have no truck or track making abilities whatsoever.
  22. What's up guys. LeMaddog here, and it's been a while since I've been active on the web, but, this is more of a "Back In The Saddle" note, including something else. Main part of this thread is that it's been a while since I've been on, and I haven't found any leagues/tours to join. I probably won't get alot of suggestions either 'cause I'm using version 0.38 for Rigs Of Rods and I can't stand 0.37, 0.39 and 0.40. Any suggestions? Thanks guys. Oh yeah, and if there was a scale of my driving skills, skill, that type of thing, it would be a 6.4.
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