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Posts posted by TheRetroStyle

  1. Looked at the lineup for Florence, and we got two interesting things here; Pouncer is back, and apparently there's a new driver for Backwards Bob?

    Saigon Shaker driven by Ryan Disharoon, Backdraft, Backwards Bob driven by Kevin Crocker, Grave Digger driven by Pablo Huffaker, Instigator driven by Paul Breaud, Midnight RIder driven by Tom Herzog, Predator driven by Allen Pezo, Prowler driven by Dale Mitchell, Pouncer driven by Lenny Kuilder

  2. Eh, nothing much to say other than I don't really like this new logo.

    Also, they done goof'd on the lineup for Milwaukee:

    El Toro Loco driven by Mark List, Grave Digger driven by Cole Venard, Max-D driven by Jared Eichelberger, Monster Mutt driven by Dustin Brown, Monster Mutt Rottweiler driven by Daron Basl, NEA driven by Aaron Basl, Scooby-Doo driven by Brianna Mahon, Zombie driven by Bari Musawwir

  3. I looked at a few videos of Tampa, and apparently Tom Meents attempted a stunt he never attempted before; Jumping over THREE trucks. Since there were not 4 Max-Ds, he jumped over Soldier Fortune, Lucas Oil Crusader, and a 2nd Max-D. Happy to report that he was successful, and just missed the 2nd Max-D.

    What shocked me was the fact that Becky McDonough attempted her first backflip.....and was unfortunately, unsuccessful.


  4. Looking at results for Nashville, I can already tell a few things:

    1., The two drivers that were neck to neck throughout this event were, surprisingly, Bari Musawwir and Brianna Mahon. Why surprising, you ask? I was expecting Cole Vernard and Jared Eichelberger to go really hard this weekend.

    2. Looking at points, my predictions for the two births for this tour (As of Nashville) go to Zombie, Scooby, Digger, or Max-D.

  5. Fun Fact of the day:

    Scooby Doo driven by Linsey has more area FS points than anybody in either the generic arena series or the MMJ tours (waiting on west coast results so this may change). She has actually scored more freestyle points than her travel partner, Randy Brown, Driving grave digger. (scooby doo and Briana and Brown's Digger are tied for second most freestyle points thus far with all three competing in the same amount of shows). Guess Grave Digger doesn't always win fan judging eh? 

    Points were caclulated like this 

    1st= 5

    2nd =4



    5th =1

    Another note is Randy Brown to this point hasnt lost a Speed and Skill event yet. 

    (yes im working on an excel sheet for all kinds of points stuff with my own points series, Ill post it once Monster Jam gets all the results in from this weekend)

    Do we have a Rookie of the Year Winner already?


    It's Atlanta, NO ONE can honestly land a backflip there. 


    Anyone else notice that Zombie Hunter is missing basically... EVERYTHING that was shown new in the render? Other than the logo it's the same as it was during the Australian tour. 


    On a post by Monster Nation it is confirmed Dan Runte will retire from driving after this year. It's gonna be a weird scene knowing in 2018 we won't have Dan nor Dennis driving, at least for me it will be

    Since there is no unlink button now, I'm just going to bring in a Star Wars reference and say...


    Oh, and HEY. Junkyard Dog came very close this year. Plus, that ramp looked a lot easier than last year's ramp.


  7. David made it to qualify and donuts. But the rear steering was not working, the shocks were way too stiff, and it seemed underpowered.
    Also I saw Mike Wine but I was in Tom Meents's line, I would've tried to get him to sign my yearbook if I could've caught him

    Brutus kept making popping sounds during the show and I knew something was bad. First hit and dead in freestyle

    Also Dustin was awesome last night, pit party too so now I'm on board the hype train

    Only one truck will get a guaranteed spot from the FS1 Championship but I can tell Avenger, Max D, Overkill, Crusader, Digger, and Monster Energy are for sure

    Becky and Steven had some learning curves with their trucks, but still pretty solid. Steven especially.

    Nicole Johnson actually did pretty good in Scooby in her bonus freestyle, and also I'll be honest CVH did a better job freestyle in Digger than Adam 

    Alien Invasion has green LED blinkers that move across the truck, really cool

    Also now here's a question, what should I do for summer: Go to the PoD show in Memphis or skip that and hit up both of Rich Shaefer's shows?

    I was disappointed with the fact that Nicole and Scott didn't do a backflip together. But then again, I highly doubt either one of them would land it.

  8. Looking at the results for Charlotte, all I can say is DAMN! That was not what I was expecting at all from Marc McDonald. He won the Friday show, winning Freestyle, Wheelies, and murdering the hell out of Donuts.

    Scooby-Doo made a surprise appearance in Greensboro, and so did a second Grave Digger. Linsey won Wheelies, and Randy won Speed and Skill. Overall, it was Huffaker who was the event winner on Friday.


  9. Was watching Monster Jam 2016 season preview and Tom is working on some new stunt for vegas. From the little bit of footage they showed it looks like he might be trying a double frontflip. Anybody have more details about this?

    Oh, no you don't Tom! That man is just getting crazier and crazier every year. What does he eat for breakfast? Sugar? HE HASN'T EVEN LANDED A FRONTFLIP YET!

  10. "It doesn't enter the arena. Oh no, it leads a funeral procession! Prepare to meet the grim reaper, it's GRAVE DIGGER!"  

    "Hickory Dickory Dock, you're about to get clocked! Here to bring the end of times, it's MAX D!"

    I hope FELD lets him have the freedom to do intros like this, it would be the best thing ever.

    My new favorite announcer right there, next to Scott Douglass, that is.

    I was very impressed with Mark List and Brianna Mahon in Tulsa, and I'm hoping they keep it up!

  11. It has been announced that the owner and driver of Walking Tall, Maxie Broaddus has passed away. No info on how yet. RIP Maxie.

    No... just no. We've seen WAY too many driver deaths this year, and it's just getting even more heartbreaking every time someone dies. To make matters worse, a few of the lineups will have to be changed, since Walking Tall was scheduled for a few Monster Jam events.

  12. My Rank for Big Kahuna:


    The body looks VERY rusty, and it looks like a truck that was made a few years after the first Bigfoot was made.

    Also, I looked at the lineup for Atlanta. Either it's a typo, or I think the cyclone master may be back!

    Grave Digger driven by Adam Anderson, Lucas Oil Crusader driven by Linsey Weenk, Max-D driven by Tom Meents, Monster Energy driven by Damon Bradshaw, Monster Mutt Junkyard Dog driven by Dustin Brown, Soldier Fortune driven by Chad Fortune, Pirate's Curse driven by Steven Sims Jr, Avenger driven by Jim Koehler, Brutus driven by Chris Bergeron, Overkill Evolution driven by Mike Vaters II, Stone Crusher driven by Steve Sims, Hooked driven by Bryan Wright, King Krunch driven by David Smith, War Wizard driven by Randy Moore, El Toro Loco driven by Becky McDonough, Black Stallion driven by Mike Vaters


    • Upvote 1
  13. Nope.... He is driving Zombie Original ;) 

    Survey says...



    New Orleans Lineup:

    Grave Digger® driven by Charlie Pauken, Team Hot Wheels driven by Scott Buetow, El Toro Loco® driven by Marc McDonald, Monster Mutt® Dalmatian driven by Candice Jolly, Zombie Hunter™ driven by Lee O'Donnell, Captain’s Curse® driven by Alex Blackwell, Doom’s Day™, Barbarian driven by Devin Jones, Fatal Attraction driven by TBA, Big Kahuna driven by Shane England, Rage driven by Cory Rummell, Wrecking Crew driven by Dave Radzierez, Storm Damage driven by Tim Mente, Hurricane Force driven by Steven Thompson
    Subject to change without notice.

    -takes a closer look at New Orleans lineup-  Ooooh.... new Wrecking Crew driver.

  14. Captains Curse and Zombie apparently Netflix'd and chilled..... 



    "Netflix'd and chilled"? I don't know what the hell you mean by that. But to me, it looks like they put Zombie, Captain's Curse, and Knucklehead (the front of it) and mashed them together to make this crazy mixture.

    In case if you didn't notice, this truck has something that only ONE other truck has. See if you can guess what that is.

    BTW, this truck is Steven Sims Jr's new ride for 2016. I guess that means Hooked is going to Bryan Wright.




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