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Posts posted by TheRetroStyle

  1. I'm pretty sure Tropical Thunder is gone. Before 2015, Andrew Peckham drove that truck, and usually did decent in it. With Rodoni in El Toro Loco and Peckham in The Patriot, the question if Tropical Thunder is history has yet to be answered.


    Also, for those of you who said that Dennis doesn't really drive as good as he did in years past now, then may I remind you that he WON freestyle in Foxboro .

  2. True, but he hasn't competed in a lot of stadium events in Monster Jam recently. Mostly speedway or arena events. Michael Hartsock actually got to drive Gunslinger in a MJ speedway event earlier this year.


    Other than that, it's been a while since I've seen Brandon Lagarde in a lineup, but Big Chief on the other hand, would be very exciting to see in a MJ sometime soon.

  3. I'm starting to wonder what happened to David Smith and King Krunch, because they haven't been seen in ANY event this year, if I'm right?

    Did he retire like Chris Bergeron did 2 years ago? Or does he rarely compete like Mike Harper?


    Also, do the following drivers still compete, or are they done for this year?


    1. Marc McDonald - El Toro Loco
    2. Norm Miller - N.E.A.
    3. Travis Groth - Trouble Maker
    4. Tyler Groth - Double Trouble
    5. Jim Creten -  Bounty Hunter
    6. Dawn Creten - Scarlet Bandit



  4. What are you talking about? Bari's a talented driver. He won racing in Syracuse, and is a former YGS champion. Not to mention 4th in the Fox Sports 1 Championship

    CORRECTION: 5th in the Championship Series. Plus, he beat Linsey in the Championship Race. But the fact that he beat THE CHAMPION OF THE SERIES and Ryan Anderson is UNBELIEVABLY INSANE.

  5. Strange to say it, but I'm very disappointed with all Australia lineups. The only thing I like about them is that they have Zombie AND Zombie Hunter! Maybe we'll finally be able to see them race against each other. Still though, 12 trucks seems really weak for an Australian tour. There should've been 16 with NEA, Soldier Fortune, Scooby-Doo, and maybe even Doom's Day added.


    Tickets are on sale TOMORROW for all 4 Australian events.

  6. Scooby-Doo's run should've been booed.


    Reason why:


    Nicole Johnson pulled off the best run I think I've ever seen from her, or at least since El Paso, Big air, nice wheelies, and a small save. Mohawk Warrior held the lead during Scooby's run, and therefore, I believe she should've scored a 30.


    I didn't get the chance to see all runs. Doom's Day was doing his run while I was leaving the parking lot, and as I walked out, I heard the following runs:


    Mohawk Warrior

    Ice Cream Man


    Monster Mutt Dalmatian

    El Toro Loco

  7. From what I heard, NOT EVEN HALF OF THE FIELD made it into Bonus Time. What a shame.


    Also, some people were fighting at the end of the show. No idea why. Live upload cancelled due to the lack of Wi-Fi in MetLife Stadium.


    I was able to record some footage of the Party in the Pits. Doom's Day was my father's favorite, and I liked Scooby most.


    One last note; the following trucks had incredible runs:


    Mohawk Warrior



    El Toro Loco

    Metal Mulisha

    Team Hot Wheels Firestorm

    Son-Uva Digger



    For those of you who WON'T be able to make it to MetLife Stadium tomorrow, I'll be doing a live upload of videos, featuring:


    • Party in the Pits Highlights (Those more than likely won't come RIGHT AT 1:30 PM, cause I need to get some headphones for the event. This is my first stadium show, after all!)
    • All Intros
    • Qualifying Highlights
    • All Racing matches
    • All Freestyles
    • and I cannot forget THE FIRST EVER MAX-D FRONT FLIP ATTEMPT!

    Guess what; I BET MY FATHER ON THE FRONT FLIP. If Tom lands it, then he gives me $20. I'm broke, so if he DOESN'T land it, then I have to do whatever job my father wants me to do.

    Here is the information you need to know:


    1. The Live Uploads will take place on the channel named "dbb yellow", that's my channel. P.S. Subscribe if you like the videos!

    2. This recording won't be at it's best, because I'll either be recording it on my IPad or my Mom's IPhone.

    3. Party in the Pits video will be uploaded any time between 5:00 PM and 6:30 PM. I'll let you know in another video when the Party in the Pits highlight video is up!

    4. Intros video will be uploaded a few minutes after the intros are over.


    That's all you need to know! Get ready for tomorrow!

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