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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. You would need to talk to Agosh to figure out if he is going to keep you or if you will get any money you earned when you drove for him. If you end up without a team you could either look to join a new one or drive your own truck. Though you will have to do your own booking and budget.
  2. they are eye cut outs from my skull bandit avatar that I used to use on here, but I guess they are a bit vague.
  3. FELD wishes they could come up with something as original and badass as this
  4. So your the ever popular, mindlessly opinionated frank collins, good to know.
  5. Stay safe and hope to see you again once you have time (even if it means popping in just once and a while). PS your SUD freestyle run at Detroit (I think it was for SSRS preseason or something but I honestly do not remember the when or where, just the who and the what) was the most realistic run I have ever witnessed in this game, ever.
  6. >>2015 >>caring what people think best of luck to you in the future
  7. is it me or have all the videos showing up for the euro events, all of the trucks have alot more blower whine then normal?
  8. It's funny cause if this was a facebook group, 90% of you people would have been removed from it.
  9. who cares he is just going to crash it
  10. ROR 4.0 will have more usefulness to it then Beam NG in its current stage.
  11. lets put the tackle box away Demko.
  12. Bo that is not entirely fair, for someone who spent his rookie campaign in small arenas, getting put out on a big floor like that is going to provide another learning curve. The truck landing rear heavy could be a multitude of things, driver not used to the speed into obstacles that a stadium like floor provides, suspension not quite right or not used to tapping the brakes to help take a set. Lining up hits is irrelevant in my opinion, I would rather see someone carry more momentum, more hits (evn if that means they are smaller) then watching someone with slower floor speed, fewer hits but bigger air because they took the time to line their truck up.
  13. know how to run a tour? so is that why you posted a sign up page yesterday in news and announcements?\
  14. Outlawed


    holy crap I unearthed my original WCORR skin that I ran back in a league that was run during MTM2 days
  15. Outlawed


    Name: Kozak Sponsor: Can-Am/Evolution Machine Shop Number: 43 Make of Vehicle: Dodge
  16. Server has been having quite a few rando's showing up and causing a ruckus, might want to consider adding server groups or whatever so that new people cannot get out of the lobby until confirmed they are from the community (or a friend of someone who is)
  17. thanks to my Sirius satellite radio subscription running out I am stuck listening to the preview channel (generic overplayed pop crap) I got this song stuck in my head https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYeM0nFWcqE
  18. To be fair guys he is European so English is not his first language. I mean I could try running what I say through a translator to see if understanding it would be easier but past that I am not sure what else I can do.
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