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Posts posted by Outlawed

  1. Yes Feld can make less steep jumps, but how some drivers take it is not Feld's fault. It's at the driver's discretion on how hard they want to hit it.  

    Except the drivers are the guinea pigs when it comes to the R&D of these tracks, changing the ramps pitch is fine but constant fiddling will (and has) provided several incidents such as Jim's. And sure the drivers own discretion comes into play, but then you get hundreds of idiots on social media sites blasting them for be boring and not wadding up their trucks. I liked it better when the tracks were simpler and real driver skill shone rather then who can outlast the track.

  2. I was thinking about making terminator if I could get reference shots.

    I have some shots of it from Vegas a couple years ago, pretty sure Eric also got some shots of it at Oakland this year. Would also give me a reason to make the chassis if your serious about attempting it.

  3. just wait until a gear goes flying...

    That is my fear, look at what happened in tacoma, and that was with a truck right side up. the odds of something being flung from the drivetrain with the bottom of the truck pointing at the stands is increased. I still cannot believe they sweeped that whole incident under the rug and completely shunned SIR's kevlar driveshaft blankets but decided beefing up the driveshaft cages was good enough

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