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Posts posted by Outlawed

  1. So was able to get accurate measurements from the weather network, we had 168cm's fall from 4pm Thursday to 4am Saturday, with the first 24 hours dropping 109cm's. Which almost eclipsed the record set in February of 1971 with 112.3cm's.

  2. Liquidfire actually was telling me a few nights ago that he recalled Tdev saying something about terrain deformation being possible in the 4.xxxx build of ROR, not entirely sure if the people that took over it will be able to implement it but I will have to ask him again about it.

  3. Just curious here, if we did switch to that version of ROR, what would happen to all of the v4 addon downloads? Because as far as i know, the only thing involving sim monsters that would work in a better version of rigs of rods is default v4 pack for version 38 AND imo if sim monsters did transfer over to that version, I'm pretty sure all of the v4 addon downloads so far would have to be redone all over again in order to comply with that version and idk how long that would take.

    There would be some hard work to make the change but the weighing the choices of sticking where we are now vs upgrading to what is listed, there is literally zero reason to not make the switch. It is just a matter of playing the waiting game until this gets released

    • Upvote 4
  4. Maybe if you didn't play spoiler all the time like the magical industry insider you are we wouldn't have these problems when you post all the "cool" and "hip" news about the monster truck world without any way of proving you true.

    Seriously, good for you. You get to help out with a full fledged monster truck team, I get it. I'd do the same thing if I had the chance, but that doesn't make you any better than anyone else.



    Well, the event manager for that tour released this graphic on Facebook, and I know for a fact that this has been in the works for many years now. So, there's something more to it than just an idea and a fancy graphic.


    So I guess finding stuff on facebook makes you a industry insider?

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